public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ghis with tag cloud





BOOM -- Berkeley Orders of Magnitude -- Declarative Languages And Systems

Many say that "The Cloud" will be the next game-changing computing platform. The race is on to define and capture it. Historically, new platforms take off when independent developers start to make innovative use of their unique features. In the case of Cloud Computing, that means exploiting distributed systems in a datacenter. Up to now there's been no widely-used programming model that lets developers easily coordinate the distributed power of a datacenter. Enter BOOM, an effort to explore implementing Cloud software using disorderly, data-centric languages. BOOM stands for the Berkeley Orders Of Magnitude project, because we seek to enable people to build systems that are OOM bigger than are building today, with OOM less effort than traditional programming methodologies.



McGrath: Proposal for a new Fedora project []

Interesting point of view of a lead developer of Fedora. "There's no reason in the world we can't spread free software via web applications / cloud computing. Even though someone chooses to run windows or OSX, there's no reason they can't do their primary computing on free software. Perhaps provided by their ISP, their business, other ISPs."

La liberté contre les traces dans le nuage - Une interview d'Eben Moglen - Framablog

"Cette interview propose « une ébauche de solution technique qui pourrait bien signer la fin du Minitel 2.0 ». Eben Moglen y explique « comment des petits ordinateurs comme le Sheevaplug (cf photo ci-contre) ou le Linutop 2 pourraient bien changer la donne en permettant la construction d’un réseau social distribué (ou a-centré) dont chacun pourrait contrôler un bout et surtout contrôler son niveau de participation »."

ElasticSearch - Your Data, Your Search

One of the main aspects when working with business data is to try and have all different components in an ever evolving system to understand the same data structure/format (or as close as possible). This was the main drive for me when developing the data model ElasticSearch supports and the different search and interaction with the data model once indexed.