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PUBLIC MARKS from fredbird with tags php & dev

January 2007

Welcome to OpenID Enabled! — OpenID Enabled

by 6 others
From the developers of the Python-OpenID library and (where you can get an OpenID for free -- you can also choose from a number of other OpenID providers) this is a website by OpenID developers, for OpenID developers.

January 2006

Php I18n Charsets - Web Application Component Toolkit

by 4 others
This page is going to assume you’ve done a little reading and absorbed some paranioa about the issue of character sets and character encoding in web applications. If you haven’t, try here; “When I discovered that the popular web development tool PHP has almost complete ignorance of character encoding issues, blithely using 8 bits for characters, making it darn near impossible to develop good international web applications, I thought, enough is enough.” “Darn near impossible” is perhaps too extreme but, certainly in PHP, if you simply “accept the defaults” you probably will end up with all kinds of strange characters and question marks the moment anyone outside the US or Western Europe submits some content to your site This page won’t rehash existing discussions suffice to say you should be thinking in terms of Unicode, the grand unified solution to all character issues and, in particular, UTF-8, a specific encoding of Unicode and the best solution for PHP applications.

Php I18n Utf-8 - Web Application Component Toolkit

by 10 others
This page is intended as a reference for functionality PHP provides which can either help with handling UTF-8 or should be regarded as a risk when used in conjunction with UTF-8 encoded strings. Further information can be found on the i18n and charsets pages.

December 2005

Classes & PHP & design patterns

Ce document présente la Programmation Orientée Objet (POO) du langage PHP.

Why Frameworks Suck -

by 1 other
Development frameworks are supposed to be our friends. Instead, they often just get in the way. Frameworks suck.

September 2005

PHPTAL :: Template Attribute Language for PHP

PHPTAL is a PHP implementation of ZPT work. To be short, PHPTAL is a XML/XHTML template library for PHP. While most web developpers continue to use ASP/JSP/PHP tags as the core language of their templates, the Zope community came with a refreshing idea named TAL. The idea was to move presentation actions inside XHTML attributes instead of using plain tags or elements. | Getting browser language settings with PHP

So, you run a multilingual web site with PHP and you want to serve the reader's choice language if available. No problem, HTTP carries user's language settings within Accept Language instruction, you just have to parse it. Here is a sample function

PRADO PHP framework - Home

PRADO is a component-based and event-driven Web programming framework for PHP 5. PRADO reconceptualizes Web application development in terms of components, events and properties instead of procedures, URLs and query parameters. A PRADO component is a combination of a specification file (in XML), an HTML template and a PHP class. PRADO components are combined together to form larger components or complete PRADO pages. Developing PRADO Web applications mainly involves instantiating prebuilt and application-specific component types, configuring them by setting their properties, responding to their events by writing handler functions, and composing them into application tasks.

July 2005

June 2005

Table of Contents - Practical PHP Programming

by 10 others
Welcome to the home of the online book, "Practical PHP Programming". The latest copy of the book will always be kept here.

May 2005

by 2 others
un portail autour du php

April 2005

DOMPDF - The PHP 5 HTML to PDF Converter

by 11 others
dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter. At its heart, dompdf is (mostly) CSS2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP.

January 2005

A Development Infrastructure for PHP

by 5 others
With every programming language I have worked in it has become normal practice, after having developed an initial series of programs, to identify a common structure to which all subsequent programs should be built. This may take some time as it involves a bit of trial and error in playing with the different ways in which a task can be achieved in order to find the methodology that gives the most advantages in the long term.