public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fredbird with tag css

August 2005


by 4 others (via)
Jolis formulaires

July 2005

Strategies for CSS Switching

by 3 others
we will explore different techniques for democratizing our design through the use of style sheet switching. By applying a different CSS file to a markup document, we can drastically change any or all aspects of its design—the layout, typography, or color palette. This technique may hold incredible appeal to designers because it exponentially decreases the amount of overhead required to redesign a site. But, as you’ll see, this technique can wield incredible benefits to our site’s users, allowing them fine-grained control over a page’s presentation and, in turn, better access to the content therein.

Structurer ses CSS

by 7 others
Structurer des CSS peut sembler anodin pour certain, mais il est important de bien classer celles-ci si on désire avoir une bonne gestion de l'héritage. Depuis quelques mois que je planche sur une approche de l'héritage. J'ai testé diverses approches, et voici que j'ai une proposition à faire. Mais avant tout, ça prend une mise en contexte. » archive » Preload :hover images in CSS

by 1 other
Preloading background images with CSS is so cheap trick, that I sometimes laugh at myself how could I forget about it.

Complex Dynamic Lists: Your Order Please: A List Apart

by 5 others
In our struggle to reduce the number of steps site visitors must take to accomplish their goals, we face a number of challenges. One of them is to provide a good way for users to choose from a list of hierarchical elements. For example, a list that serves as a diner menu, offering a selection of drinks, main dishes, salads, and desserts.

Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours

by 27 others (via)
AJAX (asynchronous javascript and xml) has been getting a lot of press lately. It is seen as a way to add desktop-application functionality to html pages. Things like Drag and drop, Fluid animations and Dynamic page updates. It's great to see public uptake of these technologies - but it worries me to see the influx of <SCRIPT> tags and onclick attributes into webpages.

June 2005

Annotating images with CSS

by 10 others
some techniques to display annotations on images using only xhtml and css.

Simon Willison: getElementsBySelector()

by 2 others (via)
Inspired by Andy, I decided to have a crack at something I've been thinking about trying for a long time. document.getElementsBySelector is a javascript function which takes a standard CSS style selector and returns an array of elements objects from the document that match that selector.

May 2005

Content with Style: A CSS Framework

by 20 others
a CSS framework, allowing rapid development of sites with pre-written and tested components. All that's really required to produce this is a set of naming conventions and a flexible base template...

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

by 12 others (via)
Welcome to the improved ThirdVersion of TiddlyWiki, an experimental MicroContent WikiWikiWeb built by JeremyRuston. It's written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to run on any modern browser without needing any ServerSide logic. It allows anyone to create personal SelfContained hypertext documents that can be posted to any web server, sent by email or kept on a USB thumb drive to make a WikiOnAStick.

CSS Formatter and Optimiser/Optimizer (based on CSS Parser CSSPP ver. 0.93)

by 38 others
* selectors and properties are automatically merged * your code has to be well-formed. This is no validator which points out errors in your CSS code. To make sure that your code is valid, use the W3C Validator. * all comments are removed


by 3 others
domCollapse allows you to collapse and expand parts of page by clicking other parts of a page. To identify a trigger element, you add the class "trigger" to it as an attribute. This will automatically collapse the next following element in the document tree.

Showing and Hiding a DIV using CSS and Javascript

by 8 others
There are many situations encountered when designing a webpage where showing and hiding a div using a link is useful.


by 7 others
Small script to easily display hover tool tips You can attach a popup to anything by simply giving it a class of 'hasHelp' and an id. Then adding the help text to a blockquote and giving that a class of 'helpContents' and an id of 'xxxHelp' where xxx is the id of the element it's related to.

[brothercake] Docking boxes (dbx)

by 9 others
Docking boxes (dbx) adds animated drag 'n' drop, snap-to-grid, and show/hide-contents functionality to any group of elements. And ... in what might be another world-first for brothercake - dbx is fully accessible to the keyboard as well as the mouse, an action I've dubbed press 'n' move