public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from foto with tags height & width

22 March 2007

Max Design - Inline elements and padding

by 7 others
If you try to add dimension to an inline element, some properties will be applied, some properties will be partially applied and others will not be applied at all. The most noticable properties are width, height, margin and padding.

Box Model Hack - Getting Internet Explorer to Play Well with CSS

by 3 others
border-width3-Column with Header and Footer Layout - The CSS3-Column Layout XHTML+CSS Web Page Template - The CSS3-Column with Footer Layout XHTML+CSS Web Page Template...Playing with BLOCKQUOTE and CSS

19 February 2007

Cascading Style Cheatsheet

by 57 others
.hide {display: none;} white-space Defines how whitespace within the element is treated. Values: normal, pre, nowrap.