public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from figerrific with tag "rss feed reader"

04 April 2007


by 4 others
What is this? Newshutch is a newsfeed reader. You tell us what websites you like, and we compile those websites for you in one simple place. What's so great about that? What's great about this is that you don't have to visit 20, 30, or 100 of your favorite sites every day, hoping that something new has been posted. Instead, you go to Newshutch and you see only what's new. Is it easy to get started? Absolutely. If you've never used an newsfeed reader before you just sign in and start adding the addresses of your favorite sites. If you already use a newsfeed aggregator, you can import your existing list of feeds.

05 March 2007


by 114 others
Bloglines is a FREE online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing news feeds, blogs and rich web content. With Bloglines, there is no software to download or install -- simply register as a new user and you can instantly begin accessing your account any time, from any computer or mobile device. And it's FREE! Bloglines is a window to a whole new world of dynamic content that is being created and distributed over the new "live" web. You can make your own personalized news page tailored to your unique interests from our index of tens of millions of live internet content feeds, including articles, blogs, images and audio. And it's FREE! Bloglines shields you from the confusion of news feed standards -- RSS, Atom, and others. Bloglines allows you to search for, read and share any updates from your favorite news feed or blog regardless of its authoring technology. And it's FREE! Last, but not least, Bloglines provides you with the tools you need to begin creating your own clip blogs and blogrolls. Become a publisher, share your thoughts and opinions! And it's FREE!

figerrific's TAGS related to tag "rss feed reader"

aggregator +