public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella with tag self-improvement

January 2007

It's All Up to You (Nobody is Coming to Save You) | Self-help |

Everyone is searching for that elusive magic bullet which will lead to a better life. While a better life is absolutely possible for everyone, it must start from within!

10 Powers that define your successes

As we move through life we look for guidelines - pathways with support systems in place that allow us to move with a high degree of freedom and confidence while providing a safety net in cases of negative influence.

New years resolutions: And how to get rid of the guilty feelings

Many of us have a list of resolutions for new behaviours. It's out with the old and in with the new. This year is going to be the best ever.

Free yourself from past experiences | Self-help |

This is a time for being fully present in the now and expand who and what you think you are.

How does personal development help in business? | Self-help |

Business is all about work and making money, so why develop the individual who does the work and creates the money?

November 2006

Develop a Yearning for Learning

Want to learn something and deepen your relationship with others at the same time? Here's an easy way to do it: 1. Choose a book or current article you want to read and study. 2. Select the people with whom you'd enjoy discussing this text. This wo

When Your Life Hasn't Turned Out the Way You Wanted

Some day you may wake up and say, "How did I ever get here?" If things haven't turned out the way you wanted; it doesn't mean they can't in your future. Starting right from where you are is the first step in moving closer to where you want to be.

When Your Life Hasn't Turned Out the Way You Wanted | Self-help |

Some day you may wake up and say, "How did I ever get here?" If things haven't turned out the way you wanted; it doesn't mean they can't in your future. Starting right from where you are is the first step in moving closer to where you want to be.

Replace Your Fears With Courage

Learn to conquer your fears or your fears will conquer you. You have the power within you to do the thing you think you can't.

Move Beyond Your Circumstances | Self-help |

What you experience in life is a result of what you believe in. Getting beyond any undesirable situation is matter of learning to identify your limiting beliefs and replacing them with those that will affect your future in a positive manner.

Money Doesn't Matter | Self-help |

If you believe that money doesn't matter and there are other things more important than money; you are right and you are wrong.

The Art of Creating

Begin the proven process in experiencing whatever you desire; by learning the "art of creating" anything in your life; and you will live by design.

Denial Doesn't Make it So | Self-help |

Just because you choose to ignore reality, doesn't make it go away. It's only when you face the facts of your life; that you either decide if you want to keep things the way they are or if you want to improve your circumstances.

Heaven or Hell: It's All in Your Mind | Self-help |

We choose what we think about any given situation. You can choose to either have a positive outlook or one of doom and gloom. Depending on what you decide; will result in how you experience things.

Change Your Focus

Faith is the opposite of fear. By focusing on the things we don't want we attract more of the same into our lives. Faith is; knowing and trusting that everything is working out the way it's supposed to.

A Personal Development Series - Introduction | Self-help |

This is a series that all about you. You'll learn how to overcame, Constant Fears, Stress, Unhappiness, Abandonment, find yourself alone in life, Depression, Fatigue, Anger, Anxiety, Grief, Guilt, and how to develop Self-Worth. This is a sampling of what

By the Power of Your Personal Example, Inspire Others

My girlfriend Courtney has a son named Gus. Gus is the sweetest little boy ever - and he has autism. When Courtney and I had lunch this past weekend, she whipped out organic rice cakes with organic peanut butter and fed her son at the Neiman Marcus café where we were eating lunch. She also has a precocious two-year-old daughter named Matilda. Matilda got to eat the eight jars of baby food Courtney had lovingly carried around in her bag for the two hours prior to lunch.

October 2006