public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella with tag sales

January 2007

Empowerment makes dollars and sense

Empowerment exists when employees have the authority to make decisions and take appropriate actions without first seeking approval from others. Empowerment allows frontline service staff to act quickly for their customers, improving customer satisfactio

How to be customer unfriendly

Revolutionary transformation can have great power - but evolutionary change may keep your customers happier and profitably on board

Get out of the ivory tower | Sales Management |

Popeye's Chicken & Biscuits is a popular chain of more than 1,300 restaurants in 20 countries. They promote understanding between the people in head office and those in the restaurants with a range of vigorous and innovative programs.

Make it Person-to-Person | Marketing |

Automation is essential for expanding and accelerating service in many industries. But when individual care or attention is required, customers need contact with real people. When human energy flows and connects, good things (can) get done.

Complaints + Compliments = Good communication | Business Management |

Some companies track a monthly "complaints and compliments ratio" for each branch, store, department, country or station. This approach has a fundamental flaw. Here's why:

Whine, moan & complain - Then contribute | Business Management |

Every month I receive messages from students and readers that begin, "I got such terrible service from..." and often close, "...and I'll never go back there again!" I find these stories upsetting, occasionally entertaining, but rarely are they motivati

Don't Let This Attitude Wreck Your Career | Entrepreneurship |

Discover the attitude that is holding back many people's - and maybe your - career development... and how to avoid it.

20 Words to Build a Better Future | Sales Management |

If you want to increase sales, enhance customer service or consistently improve performance, ask your customers this question (20 words):

In Your Best Interest | Sales Management |

A diversified medical group suffered from a common procedure that frustrated patients, doctors and laboratory technicians every day. First, doctors sent their patients to the laboratory for tests. After the tests, patients asked the laboratory technicians

Education is the Star at Starbucks | Sales Management |

I avoided caffeine for many years. But with so many flights and late, late nights, I recently tried "just a sipç". The next day I dunked a Danish pastry. A few days later I asked for "half a cup, please". In very little time, I was enjoying café latte for breakfast!

The Amazing Harvey Mackay | Business Management |

Harvey's original mission statement for the Mackay Envelope Corporation was: "To be in business forever". His passion for preparation is one way Harvey works to achieve this goal.

100% is Not Enough. You Need 120% | Business Management |

If you work hard and smart you may finally reach the top - #1! And then what? If you want to stay there, you've got to work even harder, and smarter! Give it your all. Give it your best. Give it 120%.

Unlocking the Myth of Hypnotic Communication

Regardless, of the mystique surrounding hypnotic communication, there is no hocus-pocus involved, and the only tool you will need is your MIND. Sound too easy?

'Pain-in-the-Neck' Customers

Some customers complain and complain and complain. They never stop complaining. No matter what you do, they still complain. If you work too hard to keep these 'pain-in-the-neck' customers happy, they can run you right out of business.

December 2006

When service goes wrong, bounce back

We all try to do things right. No business sets out to do wrong when servicing customers. But life is full of unexpected moments and, inevitably, mistakes do happen.

Are You a Real Professional?

The customer was just leaving the service counter and said to the young man who had helped her, "You are a real professional. Thank you". The young man blushed. To be called "a real professional" is a very powerful compliment. It's not easy to achieve.

November 2006

Want to Light a Fire Under Your PR?

Yes? Then do something positive about the behaviors of those important external audiences of yours that MOST affect your operation.

The Granddaddy of PR Strategies | Public Relations |

Granddaddy because this public relations strategy has always been true, and because it delivers to business, non-profit, public entity and association managers, the best value public relations has to offer.

Who Were They Designing It For? | Sales Management |

I am regularly amazed by brand new facilities that are obviously user-unfriendly. Huge investments of time and money...but who are they designing it for?!

Only 'Top Box Quality' at Motorola | Marketing |

As an organizational goal, "customer satisfaction" is obsolete. Customers expect satisfaction, and many businesses deliver it. Satisfying customers is not enough to ensure you get their praise and future business.

Find & Do Your Own Thing | Innovation Management |

In quality manufacturing, speed requires standardization. No wonder Six Sigma, Zero Defects and ISO Certification receive so much time and attention. But in quality service, doing something unusual or eccentric can create a powerful impact. In service, it

October 2006

What to do When your customer is about to explode | Sales Management |

When things go wrong, many customers get upset. Some blow up in anger. The next time your customer is ready to explode, use these five proven steps to sanity.