public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella with tag marketing

30 October 2006

Should You Crack the Tough Nuts? | Public Relations |

Years ago I used to focus on the worst members of the audience. The ones who crossed their arms and legs, never smiled, hardly said a word or took a single note throughout the day. I felt the need to "win them over" to prove my ability as a speaker and a

29 October 2006

27 October 2006

Ten Great Reasons to Use a Training Game at Your Next Conference | Marketing |

A well-designed, well-delivered training game can get your audience involved with your topic - and with each other. Here are ten great reasons to use a training game at your next conference or special event.

Say the Magic Words | Public Relations |

There are moments in life when someone says just a few magic words that become powerful beyond the speaker's imagination. Perhaps this has happened to you. It has to me - twice. The first magic moment occurred in 1972 when...

26 October 2006

How to Sharpen Your Sense of Humor and Improve Your Health and Relationships | Self-help |

Humor has long been considered one of the most effective tools to judge the quality of any relationship. If there is laughter present you can assume that the relationship is a healthy one. When the laughter ceases you can be quite certain that the relatio

Fall as a passage of life | Naturism |

A special version of fall: To explain this version of fall one would need to include the other three seasons. For the other three cycles of nature, have a unique purpose of their own which all lead to the...

How to Stop Wasting Precious Time | Business Management |

If you do your job well, your company will prosper and customers will return, right? Not necessarily. It depends on how well your colleagues and teammates do their jobs, too.

How to Stop Wasting Precious Time | Human resources |

Twenty four hours a day minus the eight hours we sleep leaves us with 16 productive hours to accomplish things that need to be done at home and at work. Of these 16 hours, a lot of time is wasted due to distractions, interruptions and disorganization. We

How to Implement Change in the Workplace Without Sending Your Staff to a Psychiatrist | Human resources |

Your task as a CEO or manager is to show your staff that this applies to your business as well. When certain procedures and practices no longer meet the needs of your business or organization change is needed.

What to do When your customer is about to explode | Sales Management |

When things go wrong, many customers get upset. Some blow up in anger. The next time your customer is ready to explode, use these five proven steps to sanity.

Connect to your customers through your customers | Sales Management |

We all live and work in a constellation of relationships based on service. You can see this with the customers you serve and the suppliers who serve you. But this is also true with colleagues, employees, managers, family, friends, government agencies and

25 October 2006

Who Loves the Taxman? | Taxation |

...people who fulfill their financial responsibility where they live, work and earn income should not be labeled "taxpayers", they are contributors, collaborators, partners. They are allies in the future of the nation. Shouldn't we refer to them this way?

It takes one grump to spoil a brand | Sales Management |

Companies invest millions to create, design, fine-tune, build, promote and extend their brands. Think Nike, Virgin, Versace, Raffles, Amazon. All your investment brings customers to your door (or website) with expectations matching your promotional promis

In challenging times, service matters most | Business Management |

As the wind of economic cycles blows hard, some businesses try to contain costs by cutting corners on customer service. This is exactly the wrong thing to do, because service matters now more than ever. Here's why:

Using Risk Reversal Closes More Sales | Marketing |

When you minimize risk in purchasing decisions a lot more people are willing to say "yes". Once they sample your product or service, if it performs as you say, most customers will keep that product and continue buying again and again.

Find & do your own thing | Quality Management |

In quality manufacturing, speed requires standardization. No wonder Six Sigma, Zero Defects and ISO Certification receive so much time and attention. But in quality service, doing something unusual or eccentric can create a powerful impact. In service, it

24 October 2006

23 October 2006

I'll take it | Sales Management |

Cutting prices can lose business "If you can do it for $12, you can have the business". With his next three words, Bill lost thousands of dollars of business. He said, "I'll take it!"

22 October 2006

21 October 2006

Seven Principles for Business | Business Management |

Document the definitions for your business, organization, or your role in the organization. If you can document it, you can share it. With defined and aligned goals and purpose, individuals with an organization are empowered for personal success. The foll

20 October 2006

Overcoming Sales Objections Might Be A Waste Of Time | Sales Management |

There is nothing more annoying than a salesperson using hard-sell sales techniques. For the most part, I think overcoming sales objections is the wrong thing to do. Overcoming sales objections has a place and that place is only when a prospect is close to

19 October 2006