public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella with tags marketing & service

January 2007

Bend the rules and win

Recognition doesn't need to be formal or financial. Sometimes a softer touch will make a stronger impact.

Get out of the ivory tower | Sales Management |

Popeye's Chicken & Biscuits is a popular chain of more than 1,300 restaurants in 20 countries. They promote understanding between the people in head office and those in the restaurants with a range of vigorous and innovative programs.

Make it Person-to-Person | Marketing |

Automation is essential for expanding and accelerating service in many industries. But when individual care or attention is required, customers need contact with real people. When human energy flows and connects, good things (can) get done.

Laundry unlimited bounces back | Marketing |

We use a convenient laundry service that picks up our dry-cleaning and delivers.

Complaints + Compliments = Good communication | Business Management |

Some companies track a monthly "complaints and compliments ratio" for each branch, store, department, country or station. This approach has a fundamental flaw. Here's why:

20 Words to Build a Better Future | Sales Management |

If you want to increase sales, enhance customer service or consistently improve performance, ask your customers this question (20 words):

In Your Best Interest | Sales Management |

A diversified medical group suffered from a common procedure that frustrated patients, doctors and laboratory technicians every day. First, doctors sent their patients to the laboratory for tests. After the tests, patients asked the laboratory technicians

The Amazing Harvey Mackay | Business Management |

Harvey's original mission statement for the Mackay Envelope Corporation was: "To be in business forever". His passion for preparation is one way Harvey works to achieve this goal.

100% is Not Enough. You Need 120% | Business Management |

If you work hard and smart you may finally reach the top - #1! And then what? If you want to stay there, you've got to work even harder, and smarter! Give it your all. Give it your best. Give it 120%.

'Pain-in-the-Neck' Customers

Some customers complain and complain and complain. They never stop complaining. No matter what you do, they still complain. If you work too hard to keep these 'pain-in-the-neck' customers happy, they can run you right out of business.

December 2006

Get Yourself Spring-Loaded

An e-mail arrived with a fragmentary phrase that absolutely caught my attention. The writer referred to many upset customers being "spring-loaded in the pissed-off position".

Are You a Real Professional?

The customer was just leaving the service counter and said to the young man who had helped her, "You are a real professional. Thank you". The young man blushed. To be called "a real professional" is a very powerful compliment. It's not easy to achieve.

November 2006

In the Spirit of Service

The "Spirit of Service" Award is given to uniquely deserving teams and individuals who go way beyond the call of duty to serve, aid or comfort the heart of another human being. One worthy winner is an unnamed night nurse in the maternity ward of a nearby

Create Your Own 'Godiva Moment' | Marketing |

One of the nice things about flying First or Business Class is the little 'extras' in the passenger experience: wider seats, soft slippers, interesting magazines, comfortable headphones, etc. On a recent flight, a member of the cabin crew appeared after d

Turtles Deliver the Internal Mail

The Corporate Events Manager at a leading high tech firm requested one of my demonstration videos.

Find & Do Your Own Thing | Innovation Management |

In quality manufacturing, speed requires standardization. No wonder Six Sigma, Zero Defects and ISO Certification receive so much time and attention. But in quality service, doing something unusual or eccentric can create a powerful impact. In service, it

You're as Good as Your Weakest Link

When a customer assesses your business, you are only as good as your weakest link.

October 2006

In challenging times, service matters most | Business Management |

As the wind of economic cycles blows hard, some businesses try to contain costs by cutting corners on customer service. This is exactly the wrong thing to do, because service matters now more than ever. Here's why: