public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella with tags marketing & relations

21 November 2006

Don't Get Caught With Your PR Down | Public Relations |

Why risk the embarassment when with a little basic PR training, you as a business, non-profit or association manager can always be ready for battle?

19 November 2006

The Power of Applied Public Relations | Public Relations |

Especially powerful when business, non-profit, public entity and association managers plan for and create the kind of external stakeholder behavior change that leads directly to achieving their managerial objectives. All the more so when they persuade tho

Public Relations Shock and Awe | Public Relations |

You may be a business, non-profit, public entity or association manager who has always viewed public relations through a tactical lens (press releases, broadcast plugs, brochures, plant tours, etcetera).

Powering Up Managerial PR | Public Relations |

For many managers, talking about how to power up managerial public relations means talking about favored communications tactics such as press releases, broadcast plugs, special events and brochures. Tactical devices which, as a manager, you may call upon

Avoiding PR's Biggest Pitfall | Public Relations |

Falling victim to this #1 pitfall is the business, non-profit, government agency and association manager who fails to achieve the best that public relations has to offer. And that's because he or she is preoccupied with simple communications tactics like

PR: Let's Dump the Smoke and Mirrors | Public Relations |

O.K., press releases, broadcast plugs, special events and brochures help business, non-profit, government agency and association managers move a message from here to there. And that's an important and useful function, but that's all they are.

How PR Can be a Passport to Success | Public Relations |

Here's a quick description of such a passport: a high- impact, public relations action plan which does something meaningful about the behaviors of those important audiences that most affect your business, non-profit, government agency or association.

17 November 2006

PR's Big Bang Theory | Public Relations |

Lots of theories out there about public relations. Everything from "publicity's the thing!", "the care and feeding of" reputations and "sales support is primary" to "gain and hold public acceptance", and "issue management's the thing". Among many, many

Try PR and Watch Something Interesting Happen | Public Relations |

Try this: as a business, non-profit, public entity or association manager, plan for and create the kind of external stakeholder behavior change that leads directly to achieving your managerial objectives. And do so by persuading your key outside audiences

How to Win Big With Public Relations | Public Relations |

Hopefully, as a business, non-profit, public entity or association manager, you will switch from a tactical approach to public relations, to one that emphasizes a strategic plan to achieve your managerial objectives. You may even surprise yourself as you

Managers: Let's Call a Spade a Spade | Public Relations |

Brochures, broadcast plugs and press releases - don't call them public relations. Call them what they really are, valuable tactical devices which public relations calls upon from time to time to move a message from here to there.

15 November 2006

A Blueprint for Managing Your PR | Public Relations |

OK, as a manager, your goal is to show a profit for your business unit, or meet certain expectations of your association membership, or achieve your non-profit's operating objective. In each case, you'll need public relations activity that creates behavio

A Great Way to do PR | Public Relations |

As a business, non-profit or association manager trying to get a bang for your PR buck, you could pretty much concentrate on simple print and broadcast mentions or, for that matter, the whole basket of tactical public relations weaponry including old favo

You've Done PR the Hard Way Long Enough | Public Relations |

As a business, non-profit or association manager, let the tacticians handle the special events, brochures and press releases from now on. You have better things to do.

27 October 2006

Say the Magic Words | Public Relations |

There are moments in life when someone says just a few magic words that become powerful beyond the speaker's imagination. Perhaps this has happened to you. It has to me - twice. The first magic moment occurred in 1972 when...