public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella with tags marketing & managers

January 2007

Bend the rules and win

Recognition doesn't need to be formal or financial. Sometimes a softer touch will make a stronger impact.

Induct your employees or pay the price

In today's fast paced marketplace it is easy to neglect the small important things! Failing to induct an employee can lead to expensive litigation claims against your business.

Where have all the honest managers gone? | Business Ethics |

Is honesty missing from management today? Does honesty have any impact on morale, productivity, employee turnover? Find out the latest research results and how a manager can apply these results on a day to day basis.

November 2006

The Biggest PR Speed Bump of All | Public Relations |

A single issue - for example, a potentially dangerous, unattended perception among a key outside audience - can spread like wildfire nudging ANY business, non-profit, public entity or association closer to failure than success. Remember, it's what people

Powering Up Managerial PR | Public Relations |

For many managers, talking about how to power up managerial public relations means talking about favored communications tactics such as press releases, broadcast plugs, special events and brochures. Tactical devices which, as a manager, you may call upon

Avoiding PR's Biggest Pitfall | Public Relations |

Falling victim to this #1 pitfall is the business, non-profit, government agency and association manager who fails to achieve the best that public relations has to offer. And that's because he or she is preoccupied with simple communications tactics like

PR: Let's Dump the Smoke and Mirrors | Public Relations |

O.K., press releases, broadcast plugs, special events and brochures help business, non-profit, government agency and association managers move a message from here to there. And that's an important and useful function, but that's all they are.

Managers: Let's Call a Spade a Spade | Public Relations |

Brochures, broadcast plugs and press releases - don't call them public relations. Call them what they really are, valuable tactical devices which public relations calls upon from time to time to move a message from here to there.