public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella with tags marketing & entrepreneurship

January 2007

Don't Let This Attitude Wreck Your Career | Entrepreneurship |

Discover the attitude that is holding back many people's - and maybe your - career development... and how to avoid it.

December 2006

Business success strategies - Get Beyond The Lies to Recovery

As a recovering workaholic/perfectionist, not to mention having delusions-of-superhero syndrome, I'm first to tell you the road to recovery isn't easy. But it is worth it. Here are 3 tips to get you started. But I'm also here to tell you that it DOES get

Are You a Real Professional?

The customer was just leaving the service counter and said to the young man who had helped her, "You are a real professional. Thank you". The young man blushed. To be called "a real professional" is a very powerful compliment. It's not easy to achieve.

October 2006

How to Conquer Your Fear and Start Your Own Business | Entrepreneurship |

Its scary venturing out on your own, isn't it? No more steady paycheck - now your survival depends solely on your business' success. But that fear can be overcome through knowledge. The right information can help eliminate anxiety, answer all your "what-i