public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella with tags marketing & employee

January 2007

Where have all the honest managers gone? | Business Ethics |

Is honesty missing from management today? Does honesty have any impact on morale, productivity, employee turnover? Find out the latest research results and how a manager can apply these results on a day to day basis.

'Pain-in-the-Neck' Customers

Some customers complain and complain and complain. They never stop complaining. No matter what you do, they still complain. If you work too hard to keep these 'pain-in-the-neck' customers happy, they can run you right out of business.

October 2006

Should You Crack the Tough Nuts? | Public Relations |

Years ago I used to focus on the worst members of the audience. The ones who crossed their arms and legs, never smiled, hardly said a word or took a single note throughout the day. I felt the need to "win them over" to prove my ability as a speaker and a