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PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella with tags energy & health

04 January 2007 11:00

The Healing Arts: 10 Choices You Can Live With Guide You

Was it a black and white world, we would be able to stay comfortably within the limits and boundaries of whatever modality or protocol we're trained in. It doesn't matter whether it's medicine or any other profession. Certain 'rules' have been written bef

03 January 2007 10:00

18 Things Healers Learn, 9; You Work With the Unseen

Everything that has come to be in this moment is a by-product of everything that has ever been. It's inescapable. The future begins right here inside you, and it is based on the contributions of every human who has ever lived.

The Healing Arts: 18 Things Healers Learn, 7 Complete Presence in the Moment is the Pathway

Our nature is to seek out distractions wherever we can find them. One of the benefits of this modern age is that we are able to manufacture distractions faster than we can think of them! We are inundated with "information brokers", who, let's face it; in

The Healing Arts: 18 Things Healers Learn, 8; It's Only Your Shadow, Get Used To It

The more exposure you have to the mystery of life and death, the more clearly will your life become a reflection of that mystery. Perhaps this is the one thing healers know better than most. It is also one of the things they are least likely to talk about

The Healing Arts: 18 Things Healers Learn, 6; You're a Vehicle on Their Path

This, perhaps of all the principles that are being discussed, is the most exasperating to deal with.

The Healing Arts: 18 Things Healers Learn, 4; There Are Only Lessons

Success and failure are only ideas. What looks, in one moment, to be a huge success, can easily take on the odor of failure. Success for one can often be interpreted, by another, as that person's biggest failure. So much depends upon one's own interpretat

ferrancastella's TAGS related to tag energy

alternative +   empower +   growth +   Healers +   healing +   health +   life +   medicine +   meditation +   self-help +   self-improvement +   soul +   spiritual +   success +