public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ferrancastella

12 February 2007

Want The Right Job? Why It's All In The Timing | Entrepreneurship |

Despite what some people may think, the ideal time to start looking for a new job is not when you "need" a new job - for example, the day after you've given notice! It's not even when, although there's no urgency, you've decided that it's time to start lo

Stop telling your children to brush their teeth

Understanding and undoing the damage of fear-based methods of attempting to motivate children in care practices.

09 February 2007

How to select your boss - a three pronged strategy

When applying for a new job, we are (rightly) concerned about putting our best foot forward and making sure that we are selected. Often we neglect the fact that it is a two way street - they select us and we select them. This article provides some sound "

07 February 2007

Architecture and Language

In modernity there are no more steady rules of connections. Connections are elliptical and changing. Syntax and grammar are relational; however, they are not whatever. Modernity is about the freedom of connections which are not reducible to pure logic or

06 February 2007

Incredible India | Cultural travellers |

After repeated invites and much coaxing by a dear young Indian friend, in a weak moment, I booked our flight to India for five weeks! When I came to my senses and realized what I had done it was too late, I had set the wheels in motion and before we knew

05 February 2007

Realtors - It's time to take charge | Business Management |

The Next Real Estate Industry Revolution: A primer on how to become a full service provider to your clients.

Realtors - It's time to take charge

The Next Real Estate Industry Revolution: A primer on how to become a full service provider to your clients.

04 February 2007

How to turn mistakes into miracles (And more money)

When I think of all the mistakes I've made in my business (some small and some not-so-small), it's important to remind myself that "perfect" doesn't equal more successful.

Is ignorance bliss?

I like to think of myself as a level headed well informed individual. As part of my everyday life I watch the news, learn about the latest health issues through television and newspapers, and of course try to have some understanding of what is going on in

31 January 2007

It pays to help new staff start right | Human resources |

Staff members who are properly trained and welcomed at the beginning of their careers will feel good about their choice of employer, fit in more quickly with peers and colleagues and readily contribute new ideas.

Bend the rules and win

Recognition doesn't need to be formal or financial. Sometimes a softer touch will make a stronger impact.

30 January 2007

New titles open new possibilities

In my writing I've pointed out how titles can influence the moods and expectations of those around us. Here are some good examples sent in from readers around the world:

29 January 2007

How much time did you waste in your relationship?

If you are sitting around regretting all of the wasted time you spent in trying to make your relationship work, stop right now. Regrets are an even bigger waste of time.

The 5 Do's and 5 Don'ts for surviving a break-up | Self-help |

When you're so caught up in your emotions, it's difficult to make healthy decisions. Follow these Do's and Don't to help keep you on track.

Nine tips to help you manage your Fibromyalgia symptoms | Self-help |

Fibromyalgia Syndrome or FMS is a relatively common condition characterized by widespread muscle pain, stiffness, sleep disorders , chronic fatigue, headaches, sensitivity to changes in temperature, and specific bilateral tender points often localized in

It's All Up to You (Nobody is Coming to Save You) | Self-help |

Everyone is searching for that elusive magic bullet which will lead to a better life. While a better life is absolutely possible for everyone, it must start from within!

26 January 2007

10 Powers that define your successes

As we move through life we look for guidelines - pathways with support systems in place that allow us to move with a high degree of freedom and confidence while providing a safety net in cases of negative influence.

New years resolutions: And how to get rid of the guilty feelings

Many of us have a list of resolutions for new behaviours. It's out with the old and in with the new. This year is going to be the best ever.

25 January 2007

Witnessing the Arrival of Abba

From the beautiful, burning beaches of the West coast of California to the smallest, poorest lowliest communities of Japan, Abba will always be the worlds biggest, highest paid international group of the 20th of century and beyond. This Swedish quartet of

Accountants / Lawyers do yourself a favor - What your customers want? | Accounting |

As an employee relations solution provider and an accountant (no longer practising) myself the common thread for a "good acountant or lawyer" seems to be "I want someone who can explain things in plain english without the jargon".

24 January 2007

Induct your employees or pay the price

In today's fast paced marketplace it is easy to neglect the small important things! Failing to induct an employee can lead to expensive litigation claims against your business.

Muggers in our midst - Gossip and the grapevine can ruin your business

I heard it on the grapevine: the old song goes. But the grapevine has the potential to cause your business strife, misunderstanding and ruin! In effect the rumor mill and gossip are dangers you cannot afford to ignore. People who indulge in these behaviou

Empowerment makes dollars and sense

Empowerment exists when employees have the authority to make decisions and take appropriate actions without first seeking approval from others. Empowerment allows frontline service staff to act quickly for their customers, improving customer satisfactio

23 January 2007

Add an unforgetable K.I.S.S. to your next health presentation - Be remembered the next day. | Educators |

Many people automatically think that KISS is a common mnemonic (acronym) for Keep It Simple Stupid. But not so in this article. Consider the following mnemonic the next time you deliver a health presentation.