public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fave with tag couleurs




Web Color Schemes

by 16 others (via)
Get inspired by these web-smart color schemes, taken from a variety of sources and updated regularly.


Color Gallery

color combinations

slayeroffice | tools | color palette creator v1.6

by 41 others
It will create 10 shades of the base color, located top-left, at varying degrees of opacity.

Color Schemer - Online Color Scheme Generator

by 106 others
Enter an RGB or HEX value, or click on the Color Palette

by 4 others
A site for playing with colors.

Hex Hub Color Codes

by 1 other
This chart helps you pick a hexadecimal color code from more than 700 named colors. Click on the swatch set closest to the hue that you want, and you'll see a swatch chart with color names and hex codes

Théories de la couleur : Psychologie des couleurs

by 4 others (via)
Le choix des couleurs en décoration repose la plupart du temps sur nos goûts et notre sens esthétique, mais plusieurs experts croient que les couleurs ont un effet sur nos émotions et notre humeur et qu'il est souhaitable d'en prendre conscience avant de faire un choix définitif.

The strength and influence of colour - Marketing Planet

by 1 other (via)
You may be aware that colours influence the mind and the perception but are you fully aware of the marketing potential and risk behind the way a company uses colour for its products?

by 5 others
color scheme

by 4 others

by 7 others
color schemer

by 11 others
HTML color code tool

fave's TAGS related to tag couleurs

music +   web2.0 +   webdesign +