public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ecmanaut with tag public

28 December 2005

RSS Buttons and Lunch Meat - Freshblog

Nice start! I especially liked the combination with the FeedBurner readership counter. A bit of styling to adjust the text baseline to fit the icon, and it will look great.

27 December 2005 Utveckla webbplatser för användare med kognitiva nedsättningar och inlärningsproblem

Det här är också alldeles utmärkta tips för att förbättra websiter, eller för den delen artiklar i än vidare mening, för den breda allmänheten som inte har några kognitiva nedsättningar att tala om.

Panoramio » Blog Archive » Javascript compressor

Oh, lookie; there <i>is</i> a comments feed; hooray! :-D *subscribes*<br><br>(I sloppily missed it earlier as there was no autodetect code in place for it.)<br><br>I've been poring through and tweaking the Google Maps code numerous times too, but it has a

Panoramio » Blog Archive » It can’t be so hard…

gzip(1) is the best javascript compressor available, putting the HTTP standardized, content preserving, Content-Encoding:gzip functionality to excellent use. If it <i>is</i> compression you're after, anyway, that is the best route to go. Innerjoin has a n

25 December 2005

BlogThis! with my updated post tagger helper

Not yet, no, unless <a href="">a rather technical hint</a> counts. A post on it will most likely appear eventually, though.

Freshblog: Web Comments spam

Painful. Well, I'll add some month or months to adopting this myself. Intuition tells me we might want to ponder similar threats to the commentosphere, though analysis and clarity of thought are not strong points with me at this level of Christmas stuffin

Jon Aquino's Mental Garden: Automated Reminders For Keeping In Touch With People (Using Excel)

Geekishly cute convenience. :-) Add to that some logging of each time seen and subtract appropriately from the formula. ;-)

24 December 2005

bill kerr: tagging posts in blogger

Am I right in presuming you managed to fix the problem by reinstalling the latest version and clicking the "Tags:" title to reconfigure the script?

Central hosting of all javascript libraries

While I believe I might indeed possess the <i>technical</i> skills required to devise, setup, run and develop this endeavour, I am not backed by the kind of business organization that would ensure longevity or quality of service for an operation on this s

23 December 2005

Comment Blogging tool for Blogger blogs

I might make a separate version or a config option for for that; I myself actually use this geature, so I can render the comment the same way it was written.

Focused Linkblogging

Glad you too find the script useful! :-) I'm hoping to eventually extend it to go beyond Blogger blogs (but so far I haven't made much progress).

One Web Developer’s Haven » Blog Archive » SVG Whiteboard

Kind of neat. The whiteboard I linked wasn't really one of my own hacks, though; I haven't played anything with the recent readily avaiable SVG.<br><br>Last time I poked around with that, a year or two ago, I was burned by the large implementational incom

Freshblog's Guide to Kinja

Nice plaques and profile cards! I wish they would handle OPML import from Google Reader better, though; presently it's just a huge Tomcat backtrace.<br><br>Doing a bit of manual OPML massage on it, to hand the importer a trivial feed where all tags have j

Another Comment Feed Hack - Freshblog

It's unfortunate that this method does not differentiate between multiple blogs authored by the same author. My own such feed, should I have one, would be plagued by commentary in Swedish besides the English for ecmanaut, and on <i>vastly</i> different su

22 December 2005

Testing Performancing's Blog Editor

Would you perhaps post some screenshots of the editor in action? I have been too lazy to try it out, being quite comfortable with my present environment I can easily tailor to do pretty much whatever I want it to, and sharing my tools, at that. Extensions

BlogThis! with my updated post tagger helper

The BlogThis! part of it really isn't quite feature complete yet; there is no <i>fully</i> automated part that logs in to to store your post there, it is presently just a link that gets added to the result page when using the normal Blogger pu

Template fixes for Some Assembly Required

Now that you mention it, I notice I didn't quite implement it to specs, even though I thought I did; Blogger holds both homepage and profile links among the template tags and I didn't notice picking the wrong one. Whether it might have become better or wo

Dojo: Framework? Library? Toolkit? and using CDNs...

You will not. You will miss out on XMLHttpRequest connectivity between client and host, but there is no need for that to cater for the needs of just setting up a system like this. Adding some callback dynamicity as does JSONP, or devising some similar, we

21 December 2005

request for the CDN's

The idea might not be as doomed as you think, though any XMLHttpRequest talking between clients and this hosting provider would with the present javascript security model be out of the question.<br><br>Fetching code from remote locations is still very pos

Styling your blog post tags list with CSS

<a href="" rel="nofollow">That bug is hopefully fixed now</a>. <a href="" rel="nofollow">Reinstall</a> and take a stab at it ag

Blogger publish ping and categorizer tool

<a href="" rel="nofollow">Done!</a><br><br><i>Also, when I opt to save a draft post, the blog still republishes, which is somewhat confusing.</i><br><br>I guess this is what hap

Browservulsel: Blogger tag adder now supports compose mode

If you want to make it work with the BlogThis! button too, I just wrote that code in my forked (and by now rather hairy beast badly in need of some refactoring) version of the script. <a href="

According to USC Trojan: Tagging with Firefox 1.5 now working (almost)

There was a tip about that in previos comments on the post. Your template needs explicit padding directives to fix that.

Well, then...

<i>I guess I'm doing the Swedish student thing where you study when you don't have anything better to do, until you are so over-educated you are formally over-qualified for everything, although you have no real work experience to speak of...</i><br><br>Sp

Getting multi-monitor-like docking out of a single monitor

Sometimes it's the really basic ideas that are the best. Excellent example.