public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ecmanaut with tag public

10 November 2005

Du är vad du läser: PUL åstakommer etnisk rensning

Glä! Att det var illa med härvan kring PUL och släktforskar-Sverige var jag medveten om, men att det börjat gå till etniska absurditeter hade jag på något vis missat. Jag hoppas drabbade släktgrävare envist sparkar bakut, så att såhär pass dum

09 November 2005

^_____________________________^: Septième

Love is <i>very</i> real, but the perception of love isn't, and for the same reasons you state, hope is often abused to shoehorn something lesser into make-believe love, which gets this entire wheel of pain going in the first place.<br /><br />That partic » Google Reader Subscription Button

I made a version of a Greasemonkey user script of mine for subscribing to any feed on pages you visit using your graphic. (Isn't the "Reader" text kind of blurry, though?)

I Am Chris : Google Reader badges / buttons / chicklets : Archive

I also liked the visual style of your own favourite, and made a Greasemonkey user script for subscribing to any feed on pages you visit using a slightly tweaked version based on it. Pick it up at

GodsMoon's Take on the World: Google Reader Bookmarklet Version 2.0

I've written a Greasemonkey user script to show a "subscribe" panel whenever you encounter a page with (one or more) feeds, without having to fire any bookmarklet.<br /><br />And a quick hint: instead of using linkobject.getAttribute('href'), use linkobje

07 November 2005

Synthetic tags and unobtrusive JavaScript

There is one problem with adding clutter (in a way, anything you don't have a specific purpose in mind for, is) like this is that not all browsers handle any number of class names gracefully.<br /><br />Specifically IE5 and 6 (IIRC) will only apply CSS st