public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ecmanaut with tag ownsitecomments

02 December 2005

Magic JSON feeds

<i>Re: anchor tag. I find it necessary to partition my tagspace (multiple blogs). Certainly multiple delicious accounts is not the answer. I assumed that leaving the anchor as "" would mean your entire tagspace is listed - is that not the case?</i><br><br

Magic JSON feeds

Using Google Base practically for this kind of application is still far off, though I believe it might eventually outdo, which still is the better platform -- no 15 to 60 minute latency per post, an exposed API which is available by JSON feed,

01 December 2005

Blogger categorizer script

<i>I had no problems with this script using Firefox 1.5rc3 and Greasemonkey 0.6.3, but it does not work for me using final 1.5 and Greasemonkey 0.6.4.</i><br><br>I have not run this for some time, after having moved on to the <a href="

29 November 2005

Adding calendar navigation to your Blogger template

How annoying. For some reason, the calendar project I picked to work off has really bad, old and outdated language files for non-English languages; the Swedish language file was just as bad before I fixed mine.<br><br>If you take your trouble to edit it t

28 November 2005

Blogger automated trackback ping tool

Well, for once I see some actual value in the (admittedly <i>very</i> haughty) attitude "Well, too bad; no soup for you!". It's one of these things I whole-heartedly think should not need any manual tracking to pick up.<br><br><i>All</i> web pages have th

Adding calendar navigation to your Blogger template

Ah! Excellent, a bug already fixed. Or, well, already bypassable, anyway -- the <i>real</i> fix, would be to introduce the more advanced date parsing code I wrote for my <a href="

Magic JSON feeds

<i>Comment threading is something the blogosphere should eventually catch onto, but almost no one does that yet. While lack of comment RSS is a pain, you'll note that I </i>do<i> have one for my site via mailbucket and a nice forwarding system on Gmail.</

24 November 2005

Blogger publish ping and categorizer tool

Interesting. A screenshot might be helpful, but I might get by on less; for instance, does your blog use the post title feature, or have you turned off the Title field? (The interception code adding the Tags field might need some revision to handle that;

23 November 2005

Blogger categorizer script

It's all CSS; these are the lines from my stylesheet which cover the tags section -- the ones you are particulatly looking for here are the display:inline; attributes:<br><br><tt>div.tags { margin:1em 0; }<br>div.tags ul { display:inline; margin-left:0;

Blogger backlinks on main and archive pages too

I wrote up a long-sought-after post on <a href="">how to set up previous and next date links in Blogger</a> now. (Previous and next <i>post</i> is, unfortunately, a lot harder, and s

21 November 2005

Automate double password confirmation typing by means of Greasemonkey

I actually think it's both simpler, more robust and elegant to propagate the same event we got to the other form field -- that way, we don't have to figure out what the received keypress was supposed to <i>do</i> with the field, and emulate the same behav

19 November 2005

Fixing Blogger's post editor's keybindings

Interesting; I never actually tried them. :-) That might mean... ...yes. It's dead simple fixing it. Using this scriptlet, for instance: <b>javascript:Textbar.Bold=function(){ this.wrapSelection('&lt;b&gt;','&lt;/b&gt;'); };Textbar.Italic=function(){ this

Blogger publish ping and categorizer tool

Thanks; ping-o-matic added too, along with some other <a href="" rel="nofollow">minor features</a> I have been missing for a while.<br><br>All pingers are good; this is ab

Google Print in Book Burro 0.17, and future library plans

Outbound links from these sites would be more interesting than inbound, I believe; both of these seem to be more aggregator sites than stores in their own right. I am still undecided about how to handle such sites in Book Burro; what information would you