public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ecmanaut with tag myComments

02 December 2005


Wee!<br><br>One thing about the importer: do you really have to use APIs requiring the account password? I'm not distrusting <i>you</i>, but I find it conceptually wrong to ever either post the password from one service to another (unless the two share a

01 December 2005

Tag Passing: The Story So Far - Freshblog

Looking forward to seeing what you are planning to do, Stephen; almost to the point where I feel like a lazy mere spectator. ;-)

Comment Feed Added - Freshblog

Statistics! (I'll bet ;-) Statistics are good.<br><br>This will be a rather good hack, once it starts getting the MIME decoding right; at the moment it adds =20s for space characters near newlines, for instance.

Firefox 1.5 and Greasemonkey - Freshblog

Peculiar timing of the above; <a href="" rel="nofollow">0.6.4 is out now</a>. :-)

30 November 2005

Tags, Categories, Technorati

I don't believe Blogger executes any PHP code in Blogger templates, though; you're pretty much limited to javascript, and to get that to work with an RSS feed, the feed needs to be fetched from the same domain as the blog itself.


(Very often white) graduation hats and Valborgsmässoafton coincide in many cities, but there is no "country global" correlation, so to speak. It's more of a bundling of events, where there were already festivities to begin with.

Firefox 1.5 and Greasemonkey - Freshblog

Are you running <a href="" rel="nofollow">Greasemonkey 0.6.3</a>? Works like a charm for me, though I heard Jasper on the Greasemonkey mailing list reporting occasional trouble with runn

How to make XmlHttpRequest calls to another server in your domain

While this approach does seem to at least partially work in current mozillas (I just tested on Mozilla 1.5, windows), it's far from stable.<br><br>Your bridge solution, on named setup, recursively creates new frames for every new call (which has the poten

29 November 2005

Panoramio » Blog Archive » Javascript compressor

Am I the only one around who thinks option <b>2</b> is the <i>only</i> good choice of the above? Options 3 onward don't primarily address the speed problem, they put an end to the openness and reusability feature that makes the web such a good place to be

Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog

Another thought on the topic of multiple tags: it could be useful somehow supporting both tag unions (| URL separator?) and intersections (+ URL separator?). ∪ and ∩ are good entities for mathematically inclined people, but I'm not sure of how a good :: View topic - Photo ordering principle

I'm not sure I fully grasp the entire concept of a mini-region; is it about weighing [one of] {hundreds of pictures in one region} as high as {one single picture in another, same-size region}, when picking which pictures end up in the preview pane?

Panoramio » Blog Archive » User areas of photos

I think you might want to add a quick link to toggle the view filter back to "All photos" somewhere very visibly, perhaps in the top set of navigation links, when in "one user's photos only" mode. And perhaps add another one to quickly go to the "my photo

Panoramio » Blog Archive » User areas of photos

Smashing! Excellence is <i>really</i> your style.

Blogger, know thy stats... - Freshblog

You also might be interested in reading more about <a href="">how most feed reader "aggregation sites" report visitor counts</a>. Not standardized, as far as I know, but there seems to grow an ad hoc de facto standar

Tag Passing: The Story So Far - Freshblog

Greg, your ideas are much too good to be hidden buried in the deep web like this, in some un-RSS-tracked comment somewhere, with just barely a permanent URI. (John might happen to update his template to use the Blogger standard comment URI permalinks <b>#

28 November 2005

Dear Self,

You can't possibly realize how glad I am I <i>don't</i> see the obvious line hanging somewhere in the air here. And no, please don't spoil the moment; I think I prefer remaining blissfully ignorant. I shall ponder this no more, to stay untainted as best I

kyss mig!

Oh, you prude. :-) Kiss, kiss.

27 November 2005

Browservulsel: Custom Blogger comments form (4): spam protection

Might I suggest some smallish but useful-per-work-involved upgrades to this? (I'm actually mostly interested in the changes applied to your blog, but it would most likely be useful to the wider public adopiting your code too.)<br><br>1: Make the datestamp

Browservulsel: Form data rescue user script

It's unfortunate that this won't protect against the event of a browser crash, which is what I typically lose form content from. At least I assume it would not; the Greasemonkey config.xml is only committed to disk at successful closedown of the browser,

Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog

Feedback on this would have become a bit unwieldy in a pop-up form at Freshblog; I took the liberty of going for a complete <a href="" rel="nofollow">blog post</a> instead.

Marc has cracked the Sidebar Menu!!! - Freshblog

You definitely should, Greg; you're an excellent designer and technical writer, beside your other skills, and it would help communication a lot. :-)<br><br>I'm trying to sum up this thread in a big blog post, to get some overview on it and much for reason

26 November 2005

Striking results

I prefer shopping for hearts and brains in the deeper text trenches of the net, myself. In that respect, I'm hardly representative for neither males nor Swedes though, I'm told. :-)

Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog

Regarding AJAX, I've been pondering a hack that pulls in posts from your own blog into something like a post archive, but it has the drawback on being rather reliant on your post template to work well. (Since you have to load, parse and splice the content

Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog

You're very welcome, Greg; I'm much in favour of all of my improvements / tweaks going back into your mainline code, should you want them there.<br><br>I would only add support for picking up tags from "known" referrer tag schemes (scraping relevant bits