public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ecmanaut with tag myComments

23 December 2005

Comment Blogging tool for Blogger blogs

I might make a separate version or a config option for for that; I myself actually use this geature, so I can render the comment the same way it was written.

Focused Linkblogging

Glad you too find the script useful! :-) I'm hoping to eventually extend it to go beyond Blogger blogs (but so far I haven't made much progress).

One Web Developer’s Haven » Blog Archive » SVG Whiteboard

Kind of neat. The whiteboard I linked wasn't really one of my own hacks, though; I haven't played anything with the recent readily avaiable SVG.<br><br>Last time I poked around with that, a year or two ago, I was burned by the large implementational incom

Freshblog's Guide to Kinja

Nice plaques and profile cards! I wish they would handle OPML import from Google Reader better, though; presently it's just a huge Tomcat backtrace.<br><br>Doing a bit of manual OPML massage on it, to hand the importer a trivial feed where all tags have j

Another Comment Feed Hack - Freshblog

It's unfortunate that this method does not differentiate between multiple blogs authored by the same author. My own such feed, should I have one, would be plagued by commentary in Swedish besides the English for ecmanaut, and on <i>vastly</i> different su

22 December 2005

Testing Performancing's Blog Editor

Would you perhaps post some screenshots of the editor in action? I have been too lazy to try it out, being quite comfortable with my present environment I can easily tailor to do pretty much whatever I want it to, and sharing my tools, at that. Extensions

Dojo: Framework? Library? Toolkit? and using CDNs...

You will not. You will miss out on XMLHttpRequest connectivity between client and host, but there is no need for that to cater for the needs of just setting up a system like this. Adding some callback dynamicity as does JSONP, or devising some similar, we

21 December 2005

request for the CDN's

The idea might not be as doomed as you think, though any XMLHttpRequest talking between clients and this hosting provider would with the present javascript security model be out of the question.<br><br>Fetching code from remote locations is still very pos

Browservulsel: Blogger tag adder now supports compose mode

If you want to make it work with the BlogThis! button too, I just wrote that code in my forked (and by now rather hairy beast badly in need of some refactoring) version of the script. <a href="

According to USC Trojan: Tagging with Firefox 1.5 now working (almost)

There was a tip about that in previos comments on the post. Your template needs explicit padding directives to fix that.

Well, then...

<i>I guess I'm doing the Swedish student thing where you study when you don't have anything better to do, until you are so over-educated you are formally over-qualified for everything, although you have no real work experience to speak of...</i><br><br>Sp

Getting multi-monitor-like docking out of a single monitor

Sometimes it's the really basic ideas that are the best. Excellent example.

18 December 2005

JSON and RSS - John Resig

<a href="">GVisit</a> offers JSON feeds of recent visitor locations. It's a lot of fun to play with mashing that up with the Google Maps API. (Or other mapping services, of course, if so inclined.) <a href="

17 December 2005

A cyber fairy tale

Yay! *cheers* Let the baby carriages come crashing down the streets! ;-)

16 December 2005

Just Subjects » Blog Archive » Google Maps Hacking is Fun

Nice! Under the license terms of the gmap-wms code, am I right in presuming the "label in map" referrs to your "JustB ;)" signature? I'm considering using your Open Streetmap mashup, and would prefer to attribute that project as the map data source, if po

15 December 2005

Kommissarie F. Curiosa: Feminine curiosity can be deadly: Lästips: Svenssonskolan

Regarding 2, we find an even worse extreme in the nature starved Germans. :-) Ecotopianism does come naturally to many of us, though; no argument there.

14 December 2005

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

This was an interesting take on a tip jar. :-) It will be interesting to see where it takes you.

Developer Discussion: Microcontent permalinks by default

Much of the content on the web, especially in forums and the like, are adressable by URL with even better than page precision -- posts typically carry permalinks, so people can link to a specific message in a thread or comment on a post, and so on. This m

Developer Discussion: Preview post

When posting on the Ning Developer Discussion Board...<br><br>...Hmm, that is one lengthy name, and you seem to have forgotten to add it in the alt="" attribute of the header image too (for cut and paste convenience for lazy typists like myself and improv

13 December 2005

Browservulsel: Blogger edit comments user script

This script is set up to inject on (among others) -- which is a page I am not familiar with, I believe. Where do I find it?<br><br>I am presently doing a Greasemonkey 0.6.4 rehaul of this script and thought I ought to che

Kooky Knits

Those ear rings were <i>amazingly</i> cute. :-) And I am the kind of person who would very rarely notice something like that too. *smiles* Anyway, I did find the (hopefully only) <a href="

12 December 2005

Post the whole feed, why don't you? - Freshblog

This is a social, not a technical problem. What Rubel has done (and should do) is adding the license text, "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License", and visitors and syndicators should respect those terms. Try

Inline Comments Hack - Freshblog

Rather clever idea, using the comment URL field to add photos to common posters. I think I might eventually adopt something similar myself; the Blogger profile hack with iframes I use at the moment is kind of ugly.

Basang Panaginip: Redesign

Interesting take on page formatting in general and comment list in particular. You wouldn't happen to keep an archive or side blog on design or tech topics?

Mindsack » Blog Archive » Dynodes: Cross-Domain Scripting using Dynamic Node Creation

<i>A co-worker challenged me to build a user-initiated script that loaded, ran, and deleted itself multiple times without using onReadyStateChange.</i> Ah, that explains things. :-) <i>Ecmanaut rocks, by the way. Keep up the good work! </i> Thank