public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ecmanaut with tag eng

27 November 2005

Browservulsel: Form data rescue user script

It's unfortunate that this won't protect against the event of a browser crash, which is what I typically lose form content from. At least I assume it would not; the Greasemonkey config.xml is only committed to disk at successful closedown of the browser,

Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog

Feedback on this would have become a bit unwieldy in a pop-up form at Freshblog; I took the liberty of going for a complete <a href="" rel="nofollow">blog post</a> instead.

Marc has cracked the Sidebar Menu!!! - Freshblog

You definitely should, Greg; you're an excellent designer and technical writer, beside your other skills, and it would help communication a lot. :-)<br><br>I'm trying to sum up this thread in a big blog post, to get some overview on it and much for reason

26 November 2005

Striking results

I prefer shopping for hearts and brains in the deeper text trenches of the net, myself. In that respect, I'm hardly representative for neither males nor Swedes though, I'm told. :-)

Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog

Regarding AJAX, I've been pondering a hack that pulls in posts from your own blog into something like a post archive, but it has the drawback on being rather reliant on your post template to work well. (Since you have to load, parse and splice the content

Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog

You're very welcome, Greg; I'm much in favour of all of my improvements / tweaks going back into your mainline code, should you want them there.<br><br>I would only add support for picking up tags from "known" referrer tag schemes (scraping relevant bits

Browservulsel: Using CSS to display accesskeys

Nifty; thanks for passing on the tip; I didn't know about attr(), either.

25 November 2005

Ajaxian: Getters and Setters in JavaScript

This may come out a bit harsh, due in part to the late hour. I always find it a bit unfortunate when influential blogs mention powerful concepts like these, though, without a context of when or how they can be put to good use, rather than making code hard

24 November 2005

Blogger publish ping and categorizer tool

Interesting. A screenshot might be helpful, but I might get by on less; for instance, does your blog use the post title feature, or have you turned off the Title field? (The interception code adding the Tags field might need some revision to handle that;

23 November 2005

Browservulsel: Blogger backlinks the custom way

How simple and robust it became if one didn't bother with the custom foldable bits Blogger offer for folding and unfolding the backlinks, which I took to doing of my own with what little Blogger offers in scripted provisions for that. I really ought to st

Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog

Love your work, Greg, and thanks for the beautiful tutorial; it's a very comfy way into the match indeed. One feature request: <a href="" rel="nofollow">add an unescape() of the

Blogger categorizer script

It's all CSS; these are the lines from my stylesheet which cover the tags section -- the ones you are particulatly looking for here are the display:inline; attributes:<br><br><tt>div.tags { margin:1em 0; }<br>div.tags ul { display:inline; margin-left:0;

Blogger backlinks on main and archive pages too

I wrote up a long-sought-after post on <a href="">how to set up previous and next date links in Blogger</a> now. (Previous and next <i>post</i> is, unfortunately, a lot harder, and s

22 November 2005

Navbar Hack Request - Freshblog

Which method do you use yourself [to pick a better description snippet for i e what shows up in Google searches]?

21 November 2005

Automate double password confirmation typing by means of Greasemonkey

I actually think it's both simpler, more robust and elegant to propagate the same event we got to the other form field -- that way, we don't have to figure out what the received keypress was supposed to <i>do</i> with the field, and emulate the same behav

More New Stuff on Blogger Hacks - The Series - Freshblog

The second link doesn't work any more; you might want to change it to the <a href="" rel="nofollow">permalink for the article</a>.

20 November 2005

Philosophy, et cetera: Better Browsing (and Blogging)

ClustrMaps <i>is</i> fun. :-) Here is <a href="">my take</a> on how to do it.

Browservulsel: Blogger edit comments user script

Based on the idea of adding a column to the Blogger editor, I wrote a similar script to show the backlink counts for all your blog entries. It's available at and links back to the blog entries with the #links f

19 November 2005

Fixing Blogger's post editor's keybindings

Interesting; I never actually tried them. :-) That might mean... ...yes. It's dead simple fixing it. Using this scriptlet, for instance: <b>javascript:Textbar.Bold=function(){ this.wrapSelection('&lt;b&gt;','&lt;/b&gt;'); };Textbar.Italic=function(){ this

Blogger publish ping and categorizer tool

Thanks; ping-o-matic added too, along with some other <a href="" rel="nofollow">minor features</a> I have been missing for a while.<br><br>All pingers are good; this is ab

Google Print in Book Burro 0.17, and future library plans

Outbound links from these sites would be more interesting than inbound, I believe; both of these seem to be more aggregator sites than stores in their own right. I am still undecided about how to handle such sites in Book Burro; what information would you

18 November 2005

Panoramio » Blog Archive » Direct Manipulation

Usable design is also about visually (and indeed texturally, audiably et cetera, as applies) communicating how each interaction device is used; in which manner you interact with it. I'm not sure how a blob on a map would tell you it's draggable, but it ou

Simpy Instead of for Categories? - Freshblog still seems to hold the technical lead with their JSON feeds, as integration with your own site goes -- if we assume we live in a world where we are tied to only using client side solutions -- Libraryclips post their search form by HTTP post t

17 November 2005

Coworking Open House

It looks quite lovely. -- One of these days it's a shame not to be in NY. :-]

Comment Blogging

Oh, I didn't think you were; I just reflected that it's still a rather good feature match for being mostly not planned for usage. Somebody hacking a dedicated solution, for instance at the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Ning playground</a> or s