public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from duskosavic

January 2008

Hysterectomy Question in the Forums

Hysterectomy makes everybody nervous, especially if you were told that it would be a possibility for you. So, what else to do, than to post your fears and concerns in a forum which you frequent… here is one such hysterectomy question in a forum on labradors

October 2007

Annotated Hysterectomy News and Links for Period 6th Oct to 9th Oct 2007

Annotated links keep you in touch with what is best and most newsworthy in hysterectomy.

March 2007

Reiki Treatment in Person

Receiving a Reiki treatment in person, is a really joyful experience. You will be de-stressed, and may relax so much that you may even fall asleep.

Crystal Healing to Help You Avoid Hysterectomy

Crystal healing, with one crystal, a group of crystals, long distance, Crystal Reiki, empowering Reiki, through crystal grids etc, can be a powerful secondary energy healing for any ailment or disease.

Endometriosis in the Natal Chart

Reckognize the roots of endometriosis through your natal chart and read the remedies suitable to relieve you from pain and discomfort.

Alternatives To Hysterectomy

Avoid hysterectomy through myomectomy, endometrial ablation, uterine artery embolization, uterine balloon therapy, adhesiolysis, Reiki, homeopathy, flower and herbal remedies, Energy Packs, Su Jok, radionics, crystal healing and medical astrology.

Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy Video

This video shows how a laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy is done: surgeons make small incisions, move tiny instruments into the body, and cut away the uterus. The patient healed in less than two weeks. An elegant kind of hysterectomy!

Second Vaginal Hysterectomy Video

This vaginal hysterectomy video shows various phases of removing the uterus from the body of an old lady. If anybody out there thought hysterectomy were picnic, let them watch this short but bloody video and see what this is all about.

Personal Healing Plan For Endometriosis

Endometriosis has its roots in weak liver. Here is a detailed treatment for one patient, her personal healing plan for endometriosis. It is a combination of herbal, homeopathic, and flower remedies, with some Reiki thrown in for good measure.

February 2007

Yoga And Menopause Video

Yoga helps with menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, heavy congestion, bloating, cramps, irregular heavy bleeding, tender breasts, joint aches, problems with sleeping, depression, night sweats, forgetting things and trouble concentrating (brain fog).

Energy Healing Methods As Hysterectomy Alternatives

If an energy healing method can heal abnormal uterine bleeding, fibroids, pelvic organ prolapse, cervical abnormalities, endometrial hyperplasia, chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, severe menstrual pain, then it can save you from hysterectomy.

Fibroid Treatments

by 1 other
Fibroid treatments have as their common goal to eradicate fibroids in the uterus while preserving the uterus itself. This page enumerates various surgical and alternative fibroid treatments.

Recovery Time After Hysterectomy

Recovery time after hysterectomy will depend on many factors, including woman's general health status (eg. smoking, obesity, diabetes etc.) and the type of hysterectomy that was actually done. The time span up to eight weeks, and it really has a lot to do with the mechanics of the surgery.

Autofluorescent Laparoscopy Diagnosis of Endometriosis

Four videos on autofluorescent laparoscopy diagnosis of endometriosis, a new way of seeing where endometriosis is during the laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is the best procedure to diagnose and remove endometriosis. During laparoscopy, it is possible to see where the lesions are, however, under normal white light, tiny or hidden growths (implants) may remain hidden from the surgeons's view. Enter autofluorescent laparoscopy diagnosis of endometriosis -- instead of white light only, two filters, the blue and the green one, are used.

Alternative Endometriosis Treatments

Are alternative endometriosis treatments any better then the conventional ones? Truth to be told, none of either will work 100% of time, but the former stand a better chance of healing you if they go deep enough, to eradicate the roots of the problem.

Conventional Endometriosis Treatment

Conventional endometriosis treatment (as opposed to alternative endometriosis treatments) is a bunch of methods that more or less work to alleviate the symptoms. Some of them are actually harming you more than you can know. The essence is that these treatments neither cure nor heal. Usually, when you stop applying the method, the endo returs, often worse than it was. Read this page to learn what you can expect from your medical doctor, then read about alternative endometriosis treatments and decide what will you do.


Crystal pendulums can be very nice, from those made out of clear quartz to amethyst, rose quartz and what have you. Crystal pendulums will usually have many facetes, while metal pendulums are usually more like cones or tear-shapes.

Dowsing Can Help You Avoid Hysterectomy

Assuming that you can dowse, here's what you can do with it: -- You can check whether the remedies you take are good for you or not. -- You can check the food that you eat. -- You can use radionics machines to see what remedies are appropriate; you also can diagnose your illnesses. -- You can deal with chakras directly. If a chakra is not working properly, you can use pendulum to bring it back to normal. This does happen (the patient gets better) only at your expense. If you use this way to heal someone who is very ill, you may expect to pay it with your own good energy. Actually, in dowsing your finest spiritual energy is being spent and you should not do it ligthly or too often. -- You can use diagrams to gauge the patients state directly. For instance, if someone has high blood pressure, you can dowse over a diagram to see the exact pressure without any actual measurements. -- Through radiesthesia (selecting one out of many alternatives with a pendulum) you can create unique and powerful therapies. For instance, you can select all the methods of healing that are appropriate for the patient, then within one method, say, homeopathy, you can select one or more remedies which will cure the patient. When you make a remedy on a radionics machines, you can again check (with a pendulum) whether that remedy is good for the patient and so on.

Endometriosis Treatment

Here is what conventional medicine has to offer when you suffer with endometriosis. The sheer variety of suggested ideas for endometriosis treatment tells us that, officially, there is no "cure" for endometriosis the way Western medicine would like it to have. (When they say "there is no cure" for endometriosis, they mean "we are very sorry that we cannot have one single product to sell to all those possible customers out there".) Actually, endometriosis is a mislabel since the term only tells us how your problem began, but fails to inform on how to solve it. In some patients, menopause (natural or surgical) will abate the process. Note that hysterectomy is often offered as a cure for endometriosis, but if the symptoms are not concentrated only on the uterus, hysterectomy will solve nothing. Before embarking on conventional treatments of endometriosis, let me say that through medical astrology it is possible to pin down the mix of standard and alternative therapies which will help the individual. In particular, homeopathy and Su Jok have the power to heal endometriosis on their own. Homeopathy will do that by eradicating the genetical imbalances that weaken the body, while Su Jok, if hands of a master, will eradicate the symptoms. Once again, all these three methods, medical astrology, homeopathy and Su Jok will help you only if applied individually to you. Each endometriosis patient is different and so should the corresponding treatment be.

Reiki Distance Healing

With Reiki distance healing we understand how Reiki is Universal Life Energy and that it really is not from this three-dimensional world. Its origins escape us but we can use it, transmit it and heal with it. In 4D, there is no space and time, just light and energy; everything is simultaneous. Therefore, Reiki can be directed through space and time, and the intention is all that is needed, once one is initiated (attuned) into Reiki.

Reiki Attunement, What Is It, How To Buy It

When buying a Reiki attunement over the Internet, you can get scammed. There is no way to know whether the "master" sent you an attunement, so buy only at the most reputable sites. You may or may not be able to feel or sense the attunement, so you will not really know whether you are attuned or not. Of course, if you are and provided you followed the instructions in the manual, you should be able to feel the energy, and the same goes for your patients. After you get a few attunements, you will know naturally whether the attunement was sent or not. For such a non-tangible goods such as attunement, there is no sense offering a guarantee nor asking for a refund, so buyer beware!

Vitalzym Will Help You Shrink Uterine Fibroids

Vitalzym is a new supplement with the power to shrink uterine fibroids for good. This is very significant, because up to now, medical profession and pharmaceutical industry have not come up with a remedy -- a kind of a "pill" -- for uterine fibroids. And we, of course, know, that about 200.000 hysterectomies are done in the USA because of fibroids only!

How to Avoid Hysterectomy

This site offers standard hysterectomy info, dozens of hysterectomy and laparoscopy videos, alternative healing methods such as medical astrology, Reiki, homeopathy etc as well as free distant healing.

Operative Hysteroscopy For Intrauterine Adhesions Video

The operative hysteroscopy for intrauterine adhesions video shows the procedure also known as adhesiolysis for treating Ashermann's syndrome.