public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from domfucssion

10 June 2005

tahpot's blog: Lazy registration (with AJAX)

having a low barrier of entry for registration

Blogging Roller

How Atom Publishing Protocol works

Weblog Processing using XSLT

by 1 other
A web logging system based on XSLT processing and Atom8[1]. A community development process.

Read/Write Web

by 32 others
Web 2.0 News, Views and Ideas by Richard MacManus

09 June 2005

07 June 2005 :: Hierarchy

html document structure

06 June 2005

05 June 2005

04 June 2005

03 June 2005


by 7 others
All recording are transferred and "restored" using: United Audio Dual 1219 turntable (circa 1960's) - Stanton 500 cartridge

Sitemap Protocol

by 6 others
The Sitemap Protocol allows you to inform search engine crawlers about URLs on your Web sites that are available for crawling.

OSXFAQ - Technical News and Support for Mac OS X

by 1 other
Unix beginner through the basics of using the Terminal application

01 June 2005

31 May 2005

mezzoblue  §  Markup Guide

by 4 others
markup references for elements and attributes

domfucssion's TAGS


limit:50 100 200

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