public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dimelo

August 2007

Mass collaboration - some big changes are underway

there are some pretty fundamental changes happening to the way we do business. Driving all these changes is the notion that innovation happens faster when you open up and let the whole world help you - and if you can harvest that innovation your company will win out. This is happening now because the internet provides the platform (really the virtual space) which makes mass collaboration possible.

Dossier Grande Consommation sur le Journal du Net

Grande conso : la révélation Web Alimentaire, entretien de la maison, hygiène-beauté, luxe, cosmétiques, habillement... Ces annonceurs n'hésitent plus à communiquer en ligne et à s'adresser aux consommateurs de manière parfois très innovante. Comment Internet grignote peu à peu les plans média.

July 2007

Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Feedback Websites appear: The extranet is no longer owned by the company

I just discovered Feedback 2.0 from Stephane Lee. This French born website is aimed at B2B support and services. They have a unique view on how support should be done, they’re trying to bring the power back to the companies:

Product Development 2.0 [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog]

While the window on using the "2.0" suffix is probably closing, I thought it would be worthwhile to explore an especially significant trend in 2006 that will likely see much more widespread uptake in 2007.  Specifically, I'm talking about building highly competitive online products by turning over non-essential control to users directly via the Web.  For now, I'm calling this online business trend "Product Development 2.0", a concept that embodies the use of Web 2.0 concepts such as harnessing collective intelligence, users as co-creators, and turning applications into platforms, three of the most powerful techniques in the Web 2.0 arsenal.

Le consommateur se fait-il co-auteur de la marque grâce au Web2.0 ? par Jean Sébastien Loygue

Grâce aux plates-formes collaboratives dédiées au marketing, les nouveaux projets des marques impliquent les consommateurs de plus en plus en amont dans le marketing.

Toyota challenges Greek bloggers

For the launch of their new hatchback model, the Auris, Toyota Hellas wanted a digital campaign that would promote the new car's interior design and the feel drivers get when sitting inside the Auris' modern "cockpit". The campaign needed to actively engage consumers with the brand, to generate leads and "test-drive" requests.

Bretagne 2.0 - feedback2.0

Présentation d'exemples de collaborations entre professionnels et non-professionnels

La Fnac ouvre sa plate forme communautaire culturelle, FnacLive

L'intérêt d'un tel portail réside dans le dialogue permanent qu'il permet de nouer entre la Fnac et ses consommateurs. FnacLive devrait à terme faire office de livre ouvert sur leurs attentes, leurs critiques, voire même sur les tendances des produits qui rempliront demain les linéaires de ses magasins.

June 2007

The McKinsey Quarterly: How businesses are using Web 2.0: A McKinsey Global Survey

by 1 other
By and large, executives are satisfied with their previous investments in Internet technology, and most are investing in trends that promote automation and networking online.

HSBC - votre point de vue

Chez HSBC nous pensons que la confrontation des points de vue enrichit le monde et le fait avancer. Nous avons donc créé cet espace de dialogue où chacun est libre d’exprimer son point de vue et de le confronter à celui des autres.

A fantastic startup offers Digg-like presentation and voting for your community.

It is not very easy to engage a big community on the web because you hardly have the chance to put in that personal touch but then it is not impossible either.

Delta Airlines preparing a “revolutionnary” collaborative web site ?

After a recent rebranding (see this), Delta Airlines launched a community site to collect ideas and suggestions from travellers. The site is pretty well designed, but I have some doubts about the right navigation part… Anyway, this is not my point here. Their “about” page states that “very soon, though, it will evolve into something truly collaborative—truly revolutionary”. So it will be interesting to see how they will develop it and turn it into a real customer feedback management. So far, the most interesting online CFM I have seen is feedback2.0, made by a french company.

Delta Air Lines: Travel Tips, Ideas and Change

Welcome to the Delta community. See how we're changing travel. Share your ideas and tips. Let's make travel better. Together.

May 2007

Direct2Dell - Dell's Blog

Dell is doing this because of your clear feedback in IdeaStorm. User dhart submitted this idea on February 16—the first day we launched IdeaStorm and it quickly became the #1 idea. Since then, about 30,000 community members weighed in to support it, and over 100,000 of you completed the Linux survey to tell us more.

Marriott CEO blogs to engage with customers

Bottom line, I believe in communicating with the customer, and the internet gives me a whole new way of doing that on a global scale. I’d rather engage directly in dialogue with you because that’s how we learn and grow as a company. So tell me what you think, and together we’ll keep Marriott on the Move!

Daniel Broche: ecommerce: Panorama des approches technologiques des contenus web

Cette fois ci il concerne les différents approches de gestion de contenu web qui tournent de près ou de loin autour du e-commerce.

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