public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tag delicious

May 2009

City of Memory

An interactive urban story map of New York

MediaStorm: A Multimedia Production Studio

by 3 others
Originally founded in 1994 at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, MediaStorm relaunched in March of 2005 with a focus on creating cinematic narratives for distribution across a variety of platforms. In November 2005, MediaStorm premiered its award-winning multimedia publication Utilizing animation, audio, video and the power of still photography, we publish diverse narratives that speak to the heart of the human condition.


Rather than surfing the web, going from site to site, portal to portal, what if you could surf a city, browse its streets, get lost in its buildings, meet friends and strangers in a hyperlinked world, go back in time, and reemerge in another city? Hypercities is a revolutionary aggregation platform built out of and on top of real cities: it augments the space and time of the physical world with the information web and renders the experience of the World Wide Web geographic and temporal.

April 2009


Société de développement nouveaux médias

P.O.V. Blog | multimedia

"... the Internet permits us to blend still photographs with audio, text, video, and databases to make compelling content that is far richer than print or broadcasting typically deliver. This new world of visual story telling gives us a chance to reinvent the form and to adapt integration of various media types to tell the most compelling possible story. "

P.O.V. Blog | Outside the Frame: MediaStorm and Online Storytelling

"MediaStorm's principal aim is to usher in the next generation of multimedia storytelling." So announces the website for New York-based multimedia production company MediaStorm. Sound ambitious? Just a bit. But when you're winning Emmy and Webby Awards left and right, beating industry giants like, National Geographic Online, and Current TV, people tend to take your ambitions seriously. SXSW_PODCASTS/031309_PM1_BallA_WebDesignIsWrong.mp3

Just as early filmmakers struggled to break free from the conventions of live theater, after 10+ years Web designers are still trapped in the structures of the past. Forget pages, linear text and other archaic vestiges of design's print ancestry; the separation of content from presentation has already changed everything.

Podcasts |

With video online all the rage, UK-based international award winning video journalist David Dunkley Gyimah deconstructs video journalism and posits his cinematic brand known as IMVJ. Described by Apple Pro as a one man hurricane: Ex BBC David talks technique, workflow, and swift turnaround factual feature making.

Podcasts |

Managing Online Forums is a practical guide to managing online forums, communities and social spaces. It's not a software or programming book; it's strictly about managing people and the community as a whole. What is talked about in this book is not hypothetical - it consists of in-use, battle-tested theories and solutions. Real life examples are cited throughout, including actual user guidelines, staff member guidelines and more. For more information, please check out the book website at SXSW_PODCASTS/031409_PM2_Hil_RmC_DesigningtheFutureoftheTimes.mp3

What will the nation's newspaper of record look like in the coming years? Learn about the continuing efforts of old media to reinvent its look, its feel and its mission.

SxSW: The Future Of Visual Storytelling, Visually « Stink Digital

The panel was called “The Future Of Visual Storytelling Is Interactive… Or Is It?” and contained some pretty cogent thinking about exactly what the future holds for non-linear narrative, filmmakers, storytellers, and the web.

Life In Perpetual Beta | Home

Life in Perpetual Beta is a documentary film about the ways in which technology has/is/will change the ways in which we thinkg about ourselves as individuals and a society. It is exploring the culutral shift that technology creates as it enables people to live less planned and more passionate lives.

March 2009

YouTube - Follow Your INSTINCT

Cela fait déjà plus de 6 mois que YouTube a lancé cette fonctionnalité, mais elle restait jusqu’à présent encore peu utilisée. Cette fonction, c’est l’interactivité dans les vidéos, avec des liens intégrés dans le format et pouvant rediriger vers d’autres vidéos. il y a eu Samsung, en Août, qui n’a pas tardé (à peine deux mois) pour exploiter cette fonctionnalité innovante de YouTube pour faire parler de son téléphone “Instinct” de manière très cohérente. En effet, chaque vidéo se finissait par un choix demandant si vous voulez “suivre votre instinct” (le téléphone donc).


Les Concerts à emporter sont le premier podcast vidéo de la Blogothèque. Chaque semaine, une session filmée avec un artiste ou un groupe invité à jouer dans la ville, un bar, la rue, un parc, un appartement, avec les incidents de passage, les hésitations, les coups de folie. Sans montage cosmétique, avec un son brut : capturer un instant, filmer la musique comme elle est arrivée, sans préparation, sans artifices.

Interactive Timeline Gordon Brown

Relive the key events of Gordon Brown's first year at the top with our interactive video timeline.

Left Behind | By Dai Sugano/San Jose Mercury News

very aesthetic video footage shot in India

The SXSW Web Awards Finalists - Digital Story Telling

Alors que nos amis d'Upian y présentent "Gaza Dserot", intéressant de jeter un oeil aux finalistes des Web awards du South of South West Festival d'Austin Texas : fictions interactives, jeux de rôles, animations pour HBO, un beau florilège de la création digitale essentiellement américaine.

YouTube - Did You Know?

by 1 other
Fantastic video on the progression of information technology, researched by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Bronman, remixed

CCA Actions

The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) presents the exhibition Actions: What You Can Do With the City, an exhibition with 99 actions that instigate positive change in contemporary cities around the world. Seemingly common activities such as walking, playing, recycling, and gardening are pushed beyond their usual definition by the international architects, artists, and collectives featured in the exhibition. Their experimental interactions with the urban environment show the potential influence personal involvement can have in shaping the city, and challenge fellow residents to participate.