public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tag blog

June 2011

February 2011

Observations on film art : The eye’s mind

One blog about eyes deserves another–actually a couple more. These entries, however, won’t be about actors’ or characters’ eyes. They’re about yours and mine.

November 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010


Dan Hill is a designer and urbanist. He's been working at the forefront of innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) since the early ‘90s and is responsible for shaping many innovative, popular and critically acclaimed products and services.

April 2010

March 2010

February 2010

January 2010

December 2009


ABOUT This site contains the American (1950's through 1980's) vintage and vernacular photograph collection of Doug Rickard, Founder of American Suburb X. Also contained are select archives from the Library of Congress and the Documerica Project (1971-1977) which was sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency. Essays: Interviews: Portfolio: American Suburb X on Facebook

Et si les photojournalistes étaient les plus aptes à sur-vivre aux mutations des médias ? (3/5) |

Ce billet est le troisième– d’une série de 5 – sur l’avenir du photojournalisme. Voir aussi l’introduction (1/5), « Historiquement, les photojournalistes se sont organisés en dehors des rédactions » (2/5), « Quels modèles pour financer et diffuser le photojournalisme ? » (4/5) et la conclusion « Des questions essentielles à résoudre pour cette nouvelle ère du photojournalisme » (5/5).


by 1 other
MWM Graphics Art+Design+Illustration Studio of Matt W. Moore.