public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags web2.0 & rechercher

February 2007

h4ppier photos - flickr photos set and TAG organiser with date filter

by 2 others
To use h4ppier photos, enter a date range and/or tag filter then click 'search all photos'. You can also click 'show photos not in sets' or 'show photos without tags' to see those pics - note: the 'not in sets' and 'without tags' buttons both ignore the t

October 2006

worldinpictures.org____Flickr geotagging application

by 1 other
allows you to view photos taken at any worldwide location. When you enter a location above, this is converted into a latitude/longitude pair which is used to look up "geotagged" photos on the photo sharing site Flickr. If you want your own pictures to app

August 2006

Listible! - About : is a new way to get relevant resources quickly.

by 1 other
Listible is a new way to get relevant resources quickly. By using Web 2.0 features such as AJAX, folksonomy (tagging), social elements such as voting/commenting and the listible's listonomy (listing), resources can be sorted in a way that will be digestib

Flickr: Picasa may gain facial recognition capability - FlickrCentral

Picasa may gain facial recognition capability view profile tabhastal Pro User [ FS FI INT ] says: Google buys Neven Vision. "The program will eventually be able to automatically identify individuals and places in pictures, which will make searching far ea

MusicMoz - Open Music Project

by 4 others
MusicMoz is a comprehensive directory of all things music, edited by volunteers. We list, and accept submissions of, music-related reviews, articles, factual information, biographies, and websites. You can browse the site using our hierarchy of categories

June 2006

Snap 2.0_moteur recherche Web2 _ :

c'est au tour de Snap vient de lancer une nouvelle version de sa page d'accueil... et du reste de son site :, et le résultat est très intéressant. D'une simplicité à toute épreuve, elle propose néanmoins un système de saisie prédictive

Snap moteur de recherche Web2 avec previsualisation et navigation clavier

Welcome to the Snap Tour Internet search is part what you type in, part underlying search engine algorithms and technology, and part display of the search results that you get back. We think we have unique features in all three of those areas to help you

Tutorial Delicious : Comment faire des recherches dans The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager

by 24 others
* Tags: * Combined tags: * Popular: * Popular tags: * Users:

May 2006

ZERO SECONDE: Navigation par grappe : carnet de note ouvert de Martin Lessard

vier 2006 Navigation par grappe TouchGraph GoogleBrowser est un outil graphique permettant de visualiser des sites similaires (selon Google). Il crée des aggrégations de sites, comme des nébuleuses de sites, que l'on peut naviguer globalement, facileme

March 2006

Complete List of Web 2.0 Applications |_Virtual Karma: Rian's blog

by 36 others
Complete List of Web 2.0 Applications Following is an alphabetically sorted list of popular Web 2.0 applications. The description for each of the application is taken from their own About or FAQ pages.

Sage: a feed reader for Firefox

by 20 others
Sage is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed reader extension for Mozilla Firefox. It's got a lot of what you need and not much of what you don't. screenshot Screenshots What does Sage do? * Reads RSS (2.0, 1.0, 0.9x) and Atom feeds * Newspaper feed rendering

RSS Reader, Sage et les marque-pages dynamiques_Geckozone - Navigateurs -

Comme son nom l’indique, le marque-page dynamique est d’abord un marque-page et est considéré comme tel. Il va donc falloir en passer par le Gestionnaire de marque-pages pour en créer un nouveau. Avant toute chose, repérez un flux de syndication q

RSS_ Geckozone - Syndication

Nos flux de syndication vous permettent de vous tenir au courant des derniers articles publiés sur Geckozone. Vous pouvez ainsi afficher leurs titres sous forme de liens sur votre site, ou les surveiller via l'agrégateur de votre choix, comme par exempl

RSS_Really Simple Syndication - Wikipédia

C'est un fichier XML dynamique dont votre lecteur RSS (ex: Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird ou encore Opera) affiche le contenu qui est mis à jour en permanence. Ce système est très utilisé pour diffuser les nouvelles des sites d'informati

January 2006

BlinkList | Your personal start page and social bookmarking engine

by 114 others
bookmar en ligne , avec plusieurs possibilitées interressantes (watch list, partage de site ets...)

Web Search APIs from Yahoo! Search Web Services

Introducing the Yahoo! Web Search APIs Yahoo! Web Search Web Services let you tap into the power of Yahoo! Search technologies from within other sites, applications, and environments. Use the Web Search Web Services to query Yahoo! systems without leaving

December 2005

July 2005

Dietrich Ayala | Foxylicious - Firefox and bookmark integration

by 56 others
Foxylicious is a Mozilla Firefox extension that syncs your bookmarks into your browser bookmarks.

June 2005