public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags web2.0 & outil

August 2006

Web Developer Extension

by 19 others
The Web Developer extension adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools. It is designed for Firefox, Flock, Mozilla and Seamonkey, and will run on any platform that these browsers support including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

Plaxo Products_________the more useful and accessible your address book

by 1 other
Plaxo Basic The more places you use Plaxo Basic, the more useful and accessible your address book will be! Plaxo Basic is Plaxo's core service and is free to everyone who joins. You update your info, your friends update theirs, and everyone stays in touch

Pasta: text pasting service for

by 10 others
Paste text below and hit preview until you are happy. Submit auto-generates a web page and posts it to


by 3 others
Welcome to the Webmaster Resource Center Here you'll find everything you need to develop an impressive website. These online tools and resources are all very easy to use, even for beginners, and make great time-savers for seasoned professionals. webmaster

Living with web-based software

Living with web-based software writely.jpg by Tim Grahl More and more web applications offer the features and functionality of desktop software every day. Over the past several months, I've been moving my work to Web-based software applications as

Make a timeline of your life story at Dandelife

Make a timeline of your life story at Dandelife Web app Dandelife, a "social biography network," creates a timeline of your life linked to textual posts, YouTube videos and Flickr photos. Coiners of the term "lifecasting," the creators of Dandelife

July 2006

Snipshot / Flickr : Edit pictures online

by 36 others
Snipshot features: * Edit big images—up to 10 MB, or 5000x5000 pixels * Import PDF (first page only), EPS, and SVG files * Import pictures from any web site (including Flickr) with our bookmarklet * Flickr export, or save as GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, or TIF *

June 2006

Picasa Web : Learn More

by 2 others
What is Picasa Web Albums? Picasa Web Albums is Picasa’s newest feature, designed to help users post and share their photos quickly and easily on the web.

myKards - Personalized photo eCards and slideshows_Flickr application

by 1 other
permet de realiser des cartes à partir de vos photos chez Flickr....tres rapide et sympa.

Tutorial Delicious : Comment faire des recherches dans The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager

by 24 others
* Tags: * Combined tags: * Popular: * Popular tags: * Users:

May 2006

ZERO SECONDE: Navigation par grappe : carnet de note ouvert de Martin Lessard

vier 2006 Navigation par grappe TouchGraph GoogleBrowser est un outil graphique permettant de visualiser des sites similaires (selon Google). Il crée des aggrégations de sites, comme des nébuleuses de sites, que l'on peut naviguer globalement, facileme

April 2006

Visited Countries

by 13 others
Visited Countries Visited Countries is a small project demonstrating the power of manipulating the palette of a gif image on the fly. Here we start with a map of the world with each country in a different color. The script asks which country you have been

March 2006

Complete List of Web 2.0 Applications |_Virtual Karma: Rian's blog

by 36 others
Complete List of Web 2.0 Applications Following is an alphabetically sorted list of popular Web 2.0 applications. The description for each of the application is taken from their own About or FAQ pages.

The Generator Blog

by 46 others
The Generator Blog This blog is not about those machines used to change mechanical energy into electrical energy. It's about software that creates software. Software to play around and have fun with.

Sage: a feed reader for Firefox

by 20 others
Sage is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed reader extension for Mozilla Firefox. It's got a lot of what you need and not much of what you don't. screenshot Screenshots What does Sage do? * Reads RSS (2.0, 1.0, 0.9x) and Atom feeds * Newspaper feed rendering

RSS Reader, Sage et les marque-pages dynamiques_Geckozone - Navigateurs -

Comme son nom l’indique, le marque-page dynamique est d’abord un marque-page et est considéré comme tel. Il va donc falloir en passer par le Gestionnaire de marque-pages pour en créer un nouveau. Avant toute chose, repérez un flux de syndication q

RSS_ Geckozone - Syndication

Nos flux de syndication vous permettent de vous tenir au courant des derniers articles publiés sur Geckozone. Vous pouvez ainsi afficher leurs titres sous forme de liens sur votre site, ou les surveiller via l'agrégateur de votre choix, comme par exempl

RSS_Really Simple Syndication - Wikipédia

C'est un fichier XML dynamique dont votre lecteur RSS (ex: Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird ou encore Opera) affiche le contenu qui est mis à jour en permanence. Ce système est très utilisé pour diffuser les nouvelles des sites d'informati

January 2006

BlinkList | Your personal start page and social bookmarking engine

by 114 others
bookmar en ligne , avec plusieurs possibilitées interressantes (watch list, partage de site ets...)

December 2005