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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags tutoriel & flickr


User Script Compiler - Easily convert Greasemonkey scripts into Firefox extensions

First, you'll need to track down your installed scripts. They're in your Firefox profile, under the "gm_scripts" sub-folder. Or, if you'd prefer, you can skip the search and download any script from the online script repository. Next, you need to change the file extension from .js (Javascript) to .txt (plain text). After you've changed the extension, double-click the file to view the code. Copy and paste the code into the User Script Compiler and hit "Generate." Voila! Your new Firefox extension (.xpi) is complete. To install in Firefox, simply drag the new extension onto the Firefox interface and follow the prompts.


Flickr - Sauvegarde/export globale des données(métadonnées) - Wiki URFIST

Flickr présente l'inconvénient majeur de ne pas permettre une sauvegarde/export globale des données, alors même que Exporter les images est facile, mais le problème principal demeure: comment sauvegarder les métadonnées ajoutées aux photographies. Conserver les métadonnées dans les images même et non dans un fichier externe. C'est le sens de la règle d'or posée par Erwyn Van Der Meer, l'auteur de l'outil Flickr Metadata Synchr, listé plus haut, dans un article où il fait un point très clair et synthétique sur les formats et la façon dont Flickr les utilise (ou pas): "Store the metadata in your images!" De quelles métadonnées parle-t-on? * celles enregistrées par l'appareil (digital) au moment où la photographie est prise (informations techniques); format de référence: EXIF * celles ajoutées manuellement (en particulier les mots-clés / tags); formats: IPTC (plus) et XMP(plus), le second plus récent et traitant l'unicode.

PopTip - Greasemonkey Customisable - Add pop-up preview to any site - Flickr

Script Summary: Add pop-up preview to any site.(Script homepage).....Rules for popup action must be written in "SITEINFO" in proper format. Properties of SITEINFO url (required)(RegExp) : URL to which the rule is applied. targetElement (required)(XPath) : XPath which select "A" elements. When "mouseover" action occurs on them, linked pages (values of "href" attributes) will be fetched. popupElement (required) (XPath) : XPath which select elements in fetched pages. These elements will be appear in tooltips. disabled (optional) : If you want to disable a rule temporally, set "false". style (optional) : CSS attributes of tooltips. Please be careful to write in CamelCase! (border-width -> borderWidth) stripe (optional) : If you set "true", small icons will be appended to elements on which the action will occur.


How to Upload MP3 Music Files to Flickr or Picasa Web Albums

by 2 others
To hide an MP3 file into a JPEG image, copy the MP3 file and a picture into a folder. Open the command prompt window (Start –> Run –> cmd) and switch to this folder. Now run the following command: copy /b my_picture.jpg + my_song.mp3 my_new_picture.jpg Remember to replace my_picture and my_song with relevant file names. Next, upload the my_new_picture.jpg file to Flickr. The MP3 song picture will look just like any other regular photograph that you share on Flickr

How to download the largest Flickr photo with comments!___YouTube -

Here is my workflow which allows me to download the largest photo (available) from Flickr (from the main photo page) inclusive of the relevant metadata attributed to the user and the reason for its being.Once you have set everything up, simply downloading the photo will include the following data inside it: The Title of the photo The URL of the photo Any selected text e.g. the comments FireFox version 2 (met.a only works with FF2, for now) met.a: GreaseMonkey for FireFox: Flickr Largest Image Replacement script: / (Thread: ) Aperture: Maperture plug-in: (use for browsing Flickr @ 200/photos a page)

GM Script: Flickr Buddy Icon Reply v4.0 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

I have updated the script to use image button links. I know that the images are not everyone's cup of tea and you can choose v3.2. Just testing someone's suggestion. All feedbacks and different image button designs welcome!!! to install or update this script, click on this link, GM Script: Flickr Buddy Icon Reply

Flickr Group Promotion Tool –

Adds a select box with pre written comments, inviting the photo owner and viewers to join your groups.

Flickr: Inline text editor - for photo comments, groups + help forum –

Lets you easily re-edit or delete your flickr group, help forum and photo comments without leaving the current page you are on. Features Inline Edit : When you click the edit button of a comment under a photo, in a group or in the help forum a textarea is inserted where your post was, containing your post, enabling you to quickly edit and resubmit it without leaving the page you are on. Particularly useful for group admins. Search and Replace : Lets you search and replace text in your post. Inline Delete : The script changes the delete link below group or forum posts and photo comments, so that it deletes the post without leaving the current page, especially useful for group adminstrators. Updates 19th March 2008 : updated to work with latest version of GM 23rd May 2008 : updated to work with all international versions of the site :) 5th June 2008 : updated to work on photo comments

Flickr: Discussing Flickr linked @reply (GM script) in Flickr Hacks

Adds a little (reply) button beneath the buddy icon of the author of every post/comment in a Flickr photo/photoset/group/forum discussion. Clicking (reply) inserts into your reply HTML-code that displays the commenter's username and links back to the comment being replied to. The script works in group discussions, help fora, and in photo and photoset comments i.e. everywhere :) — it even works when the reply-box is on another page! The @reply template may be customized via the script-commands menu (Tools ▶ Greasemonkey ▶ Script Commands)… so whether the scripts inserts @user, user, user:, @user, @user, or possibly even @user, is up to you. The template may even contain HTML code, e.g. to style the username in italics. Inside the reply-box, the formatted @reply is inserted at the cursor’s position. However, if any text inside the reply-box is selected, the template is ignored, and instead, clicking on (reply) makes that selected text link to the post/comment you’re replying to.

Finding a flickr account from a picture URL on Yedda - People. Sharing. Knowledge.

Simplest way to do it is to go to Fill the photo_id field with the value (e.g., 133527964). Click the "Call Method..." button you'll get an XML result.

WPF Flickr Viewer Using XLINQ[]___ demo application___will be explained one at a time

One contains all the images retrieved from the Flickr RSS feed, and the other Window shows a single image that the user clicked on, contains several controls that the user may use to alter the shown image.

Perfect Your Picasa to Flickr Workflow

They don't talk to one another. If at home after a vacation inf Thailand, I had a hard drive loaded with photos and I wanted a way to organize, caption, and publish them all at once without duplicating work. Here's how I did it with Picasa and Flickr.

GREASEMONKEY - Flickr Commented On –

This adds and small icon over any picture that shows you if you have already commented it, just like the favorite icon works. Very useful when you do lots of comments ;)

GM Script: Flickr Backlink Comment Reply - Discussing GM Script: Flickr Backlink Comment Reply in Flickr Hacks

Greasemonkey script that inserts those (reply) links under every buddy icon in the comments list to do exactly what is explained in the screenshot. Works in photo as well as in group discussions.


Give Your Photos The “A Scanner Darkly” Effect

by 1 other
Give Your Photos The “A Scanner Darkly” Effected a beautiful posterized live-action animation style . Fortunately, applying the technique to a photo isn’t nearly as time consuming, and with this tutorial from one of the film’s animators, you’ll

FLICKR - OLD - USERSCRIPT - Flickr Backlink Comment Reply

Greasemonkey script that inserts those (reply) links under every buddy icon in the comments list to do exactly what is explained in the screenshot. Works in photo as well as in group discussions.

Flickr: Hide Image Comments using RIP - Discussing Hide Image Comments using RIP in Flickr Hacks

If you hate seeing invite or award images in comments: solution using this extension, Remove it Permanently, and the rules I came up with you shouldn't have to see them . Instructions and the RIP rules on my blog.

VoiceThread __un Flickr avec du son, un diaporama à la sauce collaborative. __Diaporama 2.0 - Wisibility

VoiceThread, comme son nom ne l’indique pas, est un service de partage de photos avec commentaire Audio et Tableau Blanc ..En l'état VoiceThread est perfectible. Impossible de télécharger un fichier son préparé par ailleurs. Difficile donc de coord

Voicethread __Work With Flickr___The human voice around photographs

The human voice around photographs.This one is really simple and "lovely". Photos are a way to share experience and when you show photos to someone else, your voice is often an accompanying narrative adding a story. Voicethread allows the viewers of ph

Geek to Live: Flickr Advanced User Guide - Lifehacker

by 6 others
I published an article here on Lifehacker called Tips for Flickr beginners, a quick rundown on how to get started on Flickr. One year later I'm still as big a Flickr fan and user as ever, so it's about time to point out some of the more advanced features

FlickrCommentTools________Flickr: Flickr Hacks

comment tools script with smilies to it. FlickrCommentTools.user.js

Easy Photo Post in Comment by mortimer : Flickr Hacks

This script will remember the 15 last photos [2] you have visited and display their thumbnail over every comment box on Flickr. You can select the size you want to post and then click on the thumbnail of the photo of interest to insert the obscure voOdOo

Flickr Discussion Images on Flickr____Greasemonkey script: - Photo Sharing!

llows you to view all the images (in either standard or square thumbnail format) from a dicussion topic. This gives you a visual summary of the thread. By clicking on the image, it takes you to originating entry in the discussion thread. I find it is a ni