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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags tutorial & music


How to Upload MP3 Music Files to Flickr or Picasa Web Albums

by 2 others
To hide an MP3 file into a JPEG image, copy the MP3 file and a picture into a folder. Open the command prompt window (Start –> Run –> cmd) and switch to this folder. Now run the following command: copy /b my_picture.jpg + my_song.mp3 my_new_picture.jpg Remember to replace my_picture and my_song with relevant file names. Next, upload the my_new_picture.jpg file to Flickr. The MP3 song picture will look just like any other regular photograph that you share on Flickr

Free Music Zilla ___Télécharge TOUT : Deezer,, youtube : •°•° UNICORNIS °•°•

Pour Deezer, le flux est enregistré sous .php :renommer en .mp3. Ou renommer .php en .FLV et extraire .mp3 avec FLV Extract . + 10 télgts / jour: Dossier “%APPDATA%” par“Démarrer->Executer” sous XPou dossier “FMZilla” et supprimez le fichi

Alpha Geek: Whip your MP3 library into shape, Part III: Metadata

MusicBrainz,or Mp3tag ?. MediaMonkey! —the same program I relied on to fix my album art. It's free, easy and useful for much more than just metadata modding.

Hack Attack: The self-sustaining iPod_utiliser l'Ipod sans Itunes c'est possible...

By the end of this little tutorial, you'll be able to rip a CD, sync the MP3s to your iPod, then play any music off your iPod from any computer without ever having to install anything on that computer - and not once will you have to open iTunes to do it.

Main Page - Winamp iPod plugin ml_iPod

ml_ipod is a Winamp plug-in that allows extensive support for the iPod. The ml_ipod main site can be found here

Tutorial Cache Viewer

En écoutant la totalité du titre depuis le player dans Firefox , le morceau s'enregistre automatiquement dans le cache internet du navigateur.L'extension Cacheviewer est disponible dans le menu du haut du navigateur Firefox depuis l'onglet "Outils" .


Foobar2000__Player MP3__ Configuration Distribution Thread - Hydrogenaudio Forums

to configure their foobar to look and function like mine, I am pleased to advise that a pratical and fast solution has been authorized for the transfer of settings. I have received official notification that users are allowed to share their foobar2000.cfg

Foobar2000 plugin : Album Art Panel ___Components 0.9/(foo uie albumart) - Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase

Album Art Panel is a component for foobar2000 and Columns UI that displays album art in a panel. When configured, it can display any image you would like to associate with a track.

Foobar2000____Hack Attack: Roll your own killer audio player with - Lifehacker

If you love to tweak and customize your software applications to work just the way you want, extensibility is key - and the free audio player for Windows, foobar2000, is the most extensible player on the market.

Album art _______Whip your MP3 library into shape, Part II - - Lifehacker

There are a number of tools that can fix or restore your songs' album art. I recommend MediaMonkey (Windows), which, in addition to being one of the all-time great music managers, provides excellent album-art features.

Move iTunes to another computer and keep library data intact

The HiFi Blog details the process of moving your iTunes library to a new computer while preserving your library data (e.g., play count, playlists, etc.).


Gérer son iPod sur PC sous Windows - La Communauté Informatique NDFR

on peut tout simplement ne pas aimer iTunes, et vouloir utiliser autre chose. Mais quoi? Essais et critique des différentes alternatives à Itunes : tres bien fait

Réorganiser sa bibliothèque audio

by 4 others
quelques petits utilitaires, assortis de consignes pour la prise en main et de conseils utiles. Suivez le guide !

COMMENTS Comment découper (splitter) des fichiers MP3 ?

Comment découper (splitter) des fichiers MP3 ? Sur cette page je vous présente quelques logiciels capable de couper des fichiers MP3 en plusieurs morceaux de différentes ou d'égales longueurs.