public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag tool

November 2008

Introducing Operator, a Microformat Detection Extension for Firefox 2____Mozilla Labs - 2006

by 7 others, 2 comments
Operator demonstrates the usefulness of semantic information on the Web, in real world scenarios.Here are some examples of things you can do with this release of Operator, and with the Web as it exists today : Yahoo! Local and Your Address Book. With Operator you can send the phone number of your favorite pizza place from Yahoo! Local to your address book, without having to type anything..... Operator requires information on the Web to be encoded using microformats, and since this method for semantically encoding information is relatively new, not all sites are using microformats yet. However, Operator works great with any blog that uses rel-tag, and the sites Yahoo! Local, Flickr, and, all of which contain millions of pieces of information expressed using microformats. As more sites begin to semantically encode data with microformats, Operator will automatically work with them as well.

User- Interface-fr - Microformats

Il y a eu récemment beaucoup de très bonnes idées d'interfaces-utilisateurs et des suggestions pour travailler sur les microformats. Cette page sert à rassembler et documenter de façon à ce que nous puissions être inspirés et informés sur les travaux des autres.

FLICKR - online TOOL - Flickr Photo Owner Finder

Ever needed to find out who took a Flickr photo that you have saved? Type or paste the filename in the form and we'll find out who took it... Or Browse your computer for the photo,Or Enter photo filename (e.g. 563689836_ffcd4bb224_b.jpg) or url

October 2008

Organize Tools on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

add a new menu to it and utilize its great batch function. Now you can collect any photos in Organize and send to the following tools. Currently three tools are available: 1. Flickr Album Maker 2. fd's Slideshow Maker 3. fd's Mosaic Maker

Delicious Blog Rescue Tool___Post Specified delicious bookmarks in your blog

by 1 other
Once the settings are filled in, click Make Blog Post. The tool will fetch all your links for the specified date and post them to your blog, just like should have done.

30+ Mind Mapping Tools___Mashable__Une belle source d’outils de mindmapping en ligne, qu’ils soient gratuits ou payants.

by 2 others
Toujours à propos du Mindmapping et des cartes mentales, je dois vous faire part de cet article de Mashable : 30+ Mind Mapping Tools.

Mindmapping ___Les secrets de la pensée libérée : 27 façons d’utiliser le Mindmapping (cartes mentales)

by 2 others
Ce billet se propose de vous offrir la traduction d’un fabuleux billet publié sur Bootstrapper intitulé “Secrets of Thinking Outside the Box: 27 Ways Digital Entrepreneurs Can Use Mindmapping“. Il se lit comme un conseil aux cyber entrepreuneurs en leur prescrivant les mindmaps comme développeur de leur business. Note : j’ai été jusqu’à reproduire toute la bibliographie (hyperliens) de l’auteur dans la traduction. Via l’excellent Brainsfeed (Pierre-yves Debliquy).

Instantly Locate Yourself on Google Maps

Instantly Locate Yourself on Google Maps Firefox with Greasemonkey (All platforms): The Google Maps & Geode Greasemonkey user script adds a small Current Position link next to the Google Maps search box that instantly locates you on a map using Firefox's new geolocation technology. To use this script right now, you'll need to install the previously mentioned Geode Firefox extension—but as soon as Greasemonkey supports Firefox 3.1, which itself supports geolocation natively, you won't need any extra extensions. Since so many Google Maps searches start at your current location, whether you're getting directions or looking for nearby businesses, this quick link cuts out the work of entering in your address each time. Handy!

Search by Color and Other Experimental Picasa 3 Beta Features

our screenshot tour of the photo manager's new features. The most wonky among them is a color search tool, which, as Gil points out, is only so helpful without percentage scaling. On the more useful side, "Show duplicates" helps you weed out carbon photo copies, and you can save searches and compile tagged photos as albums. Hit the link for a screenshot roundup of the not-quite-ready-for-primetime features. 5 Obscure Picasa Features You Probably Didn't Know About [Gil's Method]

Finch Formats Web Sites for Really Slow Connections

The universal, high-speed-everywhere web isn't quite a reality yet, as anyone who's used a relative's dial-up or a seriously weak airport connection can testify to. Web page re-formatting tool Finch gives you just the text, ma'am, from any site you plug into its address box, stripping Flash, JavaScript, stylesheets, and even images from the layout. Tools like this often crop up for mobile phones, such as Google's Mobilizer, but Finch is made for the desktop browser. Some sites will work better with their graphical navigators removed than others, of course, but for anyone stuck with a fist-poundingly slow connection, or paying for every megabyte, Finch is a great bookmarket to keep handy.

TubeMaster Plus: download any media file from (almost) any site - review & download link |

TubeMaster Plus is a free tool that can download streaming video and audio files from almost any media sharing site, including sites with anti-leeching protection. TubeMaster Plus also can convert downloaded videos to several formats, offers a video search function across multiple video sources, and offers a downloadble audio mp3 search function.

TubeMaster Plus Grabs Video or Audio From Nearly Any Site

Windows only: Free streaming media capture tool TubeMaster is a great all-in-one solution for grabbing and converting audio and video from nearly any web site that can stream it to you. The no-install app launches as its own application with a built-in, tabbed browser—simply launch it, head to, YouTube, a site with proprietary Flash video, or nearly any other streaming media, and hit "Start Media Capture." The files you grab are lined up in a queue for you to decide how to convert and save, and TubeMaster's built-in media search tool covers nearly 100 video and audio-sharing sites. There are browser plug-ins and apps that do some of the same things, but none quite as comprehensively as TubeMaster Plus. TubeMaster Plus is a free download for Windows systems only

Google Reader Preview Enhanced v1.07g –

Permet de visualiser pour chacun des liens des "Outils pour les webmasters", le PR, l'anchor text, etc...Adds a "Preview button" to Google Reader that allows you to view actual article in a frame. Clicking again on that button goes back to RSS view. Does work both in List view and expanded view. Here are some advantages of the script : - You can see and post comments right from Google Reader ! - You can read truncated rss feeds entirely. - You don't lose time opening a new window or tab in order to go on the website and see the article in its original context. Preview can be opened by clicking on article's title, preview button on typing Shift-V

8 outils pour visionner et rechercher des photos en ligne

Au bout d’un moment, visionner ses photos alignées les unes à coté des autres peu devenir lassant. Heureusement, il existe de nombreux outils qui permettent d’égayer vos photos de vacances ou de rendre une recherche plus agréable.

Flickr-Toolbox-100-Outils-et-Services__Mashable! France search results: sudoku

Voici une liste de +100 services/applications pour vous aider à exploiter 100% du potentiel du site de partage de photo le plus populaire du web:/2007/08/04/

Exploring Flickr----The alert is done as a comment on the photo that has made it to explore.

This website provides a service to help you find your photos that are present in the explore section. Moreover, you can view the explored photos of any flickr member by providing his/her screen name.The alert is done as a comment on the photo that has made it to explore. You need to subscribe for the alert servuce in order to get alerted.

The Ultimate Flickr Tools Hacks and Scripts Database____GeekTonic by Brent Evans:

UltimateFlickrTools The Ultimate Flickr Tools Database? As of this posting date, this post includes more tha350 different tools, hacks and scripts to use with flickr. And when I started gathering this list I was naive enough to think this list would have about 100 tools total...n

Destroy Today / DestroyFlickr

by 2 others
DestroyFlickr explores alternative methods for viewing and sharing Flickr content. Its user interface provides an environment that benefits photos rather than hindering them. With the ability to look at a photo on a dark, neutral background, you can view it without the interference of a brighter surrounding. By using workspaces and canvases, DestroyFlickr is able to retain a constant history of where you have navigated, offering the ability to revisit an area without the need to reload the entire page. DestroyFlickr takes advantage of features provided by the Adobe AIR SDK that are unavailable to web-based RIAs. With the support of both drag and drop uploading and downloading, posting and saving photos is done in one easy motion. Now you can download the highest resolution version of a photo without having to see it first—just drag a thumbnail to the download menu and the download begins.

Flickr Tool "DestroyFlickr" on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

today is "Flickr Tool" Day... i found this great looking and usefull Flickr Tool "DestroyFlickr" Is an Adobe Air Base Software Tool and looks really good... But only for Upload Photos, i find the Mac Tool "1001" is the better one... Go on a test it !!!.

August 2008

BibSonomy (Delicious "Like" tool from University of Kassel, Germany)__ About

To support everyone, but in particular researchers, in sharing bookmarks and bibliographies. __We have to deal with bibliographic data all the time, needed a more coherent way to manage our bibtex data. __Social resource sharing systems are very popular nowadays, but do still lack theoretical foundations : Our aim is to tackle the research challenges that arise around systems like BibSonomy, and to provide more sophisticated support for tasks like browsing, searching, ranking, and community discovery.

Xenu's Link Sleuth (TM) - Find broken links on your site (Contrôles des sites Web pour des liens brisés.)

by 12 others
[Icon: Xenu with a fedora hat checking a link with his galactic looking glass]Xenu's Checks Web sites for broken links. Link verification is done on "normal" links, images, frames, plug-ins, backgrounds, local image maps, style sheets, scripts and java applets. It displays a continously updated list of URLs which you can sort by different criteria. A report can be produced at any time. Additional features: * Simple, no-frills user-interface * Can re-check broken links (useful for temporary network errors) * Simple report format, can also be e-mailed * Executable file smaller than 1MB * Supports SSL websites ("https:// ") * Partial testing of ftp and gopher sites * Detects and reports redirected URLs * Site Map

June 2008

Anthony Lieuallen's Greasemonkey Compiler___Better Flickr is a compilation of work done by several Greasemonkey scripters

Creates a full fledged Firefox XPI (extension) from a greasemonkey script._I modified the output of the compiler to include multiple scripts with the ability to enable and disable individual features.

April 2008

HTML::AutoPagerize - Utility to load AutoPagerize SITEINFO stuff -

HTML::AutoPagerize is an utility module to load SITEINFO defined in AutoPagerize. AutoPagerize is an userscript to automatically figure out the "next link" of the current page, then fetch the content and insert the content by extracting the "page element"

November 2007

DEL.ICIO.US TOOLBOX: 180+ Tools and Resources

by 2 others
Social bookmarking was one of the earliest trends out on the social web, and quickly took the lead. Today, we outline over 180 of the best tools and resources to get the most out of the number one social bookmarking site.

October 2007