public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags search & outil



Locate My Name will help you find distribution of names across countries and regions. The site mainly focuses on surnames, because more people with the same surname in a place, means something: either those people are in the region since long ago and the name originates from there or nearby, or members of the same family for some reason relocated there. We also have information for first names, but this this is mainly used for entertainment and curiosity and it has no historical value. To start with a surname, choose a country from the right or use the search function. If you are interested in firstnames, check the list here.


GOOGLE - SEARCH -Définir la zone géographique ciblée sur Google | Le Référencement

Heureusement, les sites locaux des moteurs de recherche favorisent l’encodage et proposent en option cette restriction de recherche locale qui est rarement utilisée. Prenons par exemple le cas de : La recherche est automatiquement proposée en français et peut offrir un contenu non francophoneé&btnG=Recherche+Google&meta= En cochant l’option Pages francophones un nouveau paramètre s’ajoute &meta=lr%3Dlang_fr et on aura des résultats ne proposant qu’un contenu francophone. En cochant Pages : France un nouveau paramètre s’ajoute cr%3DcountryFR et qu’est ce qui va changer ? Comment Google pourrait deviner la géolocalisation d’un site web ?…


10 Great Uses For Google Desktop(2006) - Google Operating System unofficial Tips

Google Desktop lets you search your computer and have tiny bits of information at your fingertips if you use Google Gadgets. Everybody knows that. But Google Desktop can have other interesting uses. 7. File versioning: You can use Google Desktop to revert to a previous version of a document (text file, Office document, HTML file). Google Desktop keeps all the versions of a file, so it may be useful if you don't backup your files. 8. Most recent documents : Google Desktop has a timeline that lets you the files created or modified recently. 10. Gmail replacement: Gmail is down or your internet connection is down. You don't use a desktop mail client, but you need to find an important mail. Fortunately, Google Desktop indexes your mail (if you want to), so you can search your messages and read them offline. The attachments aren't saved on your PC.

Bookmarks Insuggest

by 2 others
analyzes your online bookmarks and recommend other bookmarks that matches your taste.

Identify your Wildflowers here - Wildflower Field Guide, North America (Identifiez vos Fleurs Sauvages aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique avec cet outil et Flickr)

You can chose some option : Color, Number of Petals.... And after this tool display an huge Thumbnail collection of flowers found in Flickr ..... See the Flickr's Pool : (Guide en ligne de fleurs sauvages indigènes domaine des plantes à fleurs (ou naturalisés) aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique. : Ceci n' est pas pour les plantes de jardin ou de plantes d'intérieur, ou des fruits, des graines, des feuilles)

Greasefire - Automatically find Greasemonkey scripts on - when you visit a web site, how do you know if there are better ways to view it?

by 1 other
a Firefox add-on that will tell you if there are any user scripts for the page you're visiting. When you have Greasefire and Greasemonkey installed a little monkey will show up in the bottom right corner of your Firefox status bar. If there are scripts available for the site you're viewing, the monkey's background color will change to red. And when you right click on the icon you'll see the number of available scripts. Click on that number and a window will open telling you more about those scripts.



FLICKR - online TOOL - Flickr Photo Owner Finder

Ever needed to find out who took a Flickr photo that you have saved? Type or paste the filename in the form and we'll find out who took it... Or Browse your computer for the photo,Or Enter photo filename (e.g. 563689836_ffcd4bb224_b.jpg) or url

Compfight___Permet de faire une recherche de photos sur Flickr et n’affichant que les images.

by 7 others
Permet de faire une recherche de photos sur Flickr et n’affichant que les images. Ni texte, ni nom d’auteur ou autre. La seule information disponible est la taille de la photo en passant la souris dessus.

A flickr CC search toy

This is a wee test search for creative commons flick photos, click on the thumbnail to see a small image and get the code to embed the photo with attribution on your blog. When you see the code you can toggle left/ right alignment and small/medium size. If you are allowed to you can edit a large size in picnik, you will need to handle the attribution for this yourself.


Imagery__Métamoteur de recherche d'images___Utilise Google, Yahoo, Flickr et Stock

by 13 others
Améliore fortement l'expérience utilisateur grâce à des fonctionnalités variées et originales dont voici les principales :IUn excellent service Ne fonctionne pas (encore) avec Internet Explorer. Utilise les résultats de Google, Yahoo, Flickr et St

Bibliopédia_site collaboratif pour les bibliothécaires, documentalistes et archivistes francophones.

by 12 others
Décrivez ICI vos projets ou vos astuces.C'est le privilège du secteur public d'être libre du partage des bonnes idées au service de l'intérêt général : classements, logistique, Communication, bonnes idées, services dont nous sommes fiers, etc....

Amaznode____Carte des produits recommandés à partir de la base Amazon

by 4 others
carte des produits recommandés à partir de la base Amazon . A relation based search engine for amazon which is made with adobe flash9(as3). This search engine visualize a relatioon network of products in amazon, from the statistics data "customers who

Google Tag Cloud Maker__Extension_permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags.

by 3 others
Permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags. Celui-ci présente les mots les plus fréquents dans les résultats de votre recherche. Un clic sur l'un deux l'envoie dans la barre de recherche, permettant a

FlickrCash______Moteur de recherche pour Flickr

by 3 others, 1 comment
FlickrCash est un moteur de recherche spécifique à Flickr (célèbre application d'hébergement et de partage de photos). Il permet des recherches avec un mot clé, un nom d'utilisateur, un groupe et même la date de publication. Le résultat est prése

Webware: Cool Web apps for everyone

by 2 others
Say No to boxed software! The future of applications is online delivery and access. Software is passé. Webware is the new way to get things done.

Resurrect Pages_Probleme__Extention Searches through five big page cache/mirrors

by 1 other
Dead pages, broken links, the scourge of the internet. Powerhouse sites like Slashdot and Digg can bring a server to its knees. What do we do when a page is dead but we still want to see it? Call in the clerics, and perform a resurrection ceremony! Or, th

HighlightAll____Extension highlights all occurrences of the selected text.

This extension highlights all occurrences of the selected text. When enabled, just select text with your mouse, and all occurrences will automatically get highlighted - no context menu! Another click in the document will remove highlighting. Works also i

h4ppier photos - flickr photos set and TAG organiser with date filter

by 2 others
To use h4ppier photos, enter a date range and/or tag filter then click 'search all photos'. You can also click 'show photos not in sets' or 'show photos without tags' to see those pics - note: the 'not in sets' and 'without tags' buttons both ignore the t

Similr:__F lickr tool____Find your next favorite photo

Welcome to similr. Here are your favorite pictures. Choose one, and dumpr will look who else liked this photo and what other photo they liked. Your next favorite is just around the corner! Tutorial Lo

Find your cell phone with Google Maps' click-to-call

Next time you misplace your cell phone and don't have another phone on hand to call it with, do what reader Aaron does: take advantage of the new, free click-to call feature in Google Maps and let them call you.


Similr: Find your next favorite photo

by 1 other
Welcome to similr. Here are your favorite pictures. Choose one, and dumpr will look who else liked this photo and what other photo they liked. Your next favorite is just around the corner!