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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags search & firefox

April 2007

Google Tag Cloud Maker__Extension_permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags.

by 3 others
Permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags. Celui-ci présente les mots les plus fréquents dans les résultats de votre recherche. Un clic sur l'un deux l'envoie dans la barre de recherche, permettant a

March 2007

Wikiseek Search Extension for Wikipedia

This is a major upgrade to the internal search functions of Wikipedia. Results display within Wikipedia, without ads.

Resurrect Pages_Probleme__Extention Searches through five big page cache/mirrors

by 1 other
Dead pages, broken links, the scourge of the internet. Powerhouse sites like Slashdot and Digg can bring a server to its knees. What do we do when a page is dead but we still want to see it? Call in the clerics, and perform a resurrection ceremony! Or, th

HighlightAll____Extension highlights all occurrences of the selected text.

This extension highlights all occurrences of the selected text. When enabled, just select text with your mouse, and all occurrences will automatically get highlighted - no context menu! Another click in the document will remove highlighting. Works also i

Repagination | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation

See more search results etc. on one page, concatenating several pages together. To use, right-click on a "Next" link (it works with other languages, too) or a "2" link, select Re-Pagination, All. Or select Re-pagination, Limited and the number of pages to

February 2007

Answers___extension firefox dictionnaire

Answers - Press Alt (or Option on a Mac) and click any word to get a quick, relevant definition or explanation, drawn from a collection of over 100 reference titles.

January 2007

Add to Search Bar | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation

by 1 other
Make any pages' search functionality available in the Search Bar (or "search box") Just make a right click in a search field and choose "Add to Search Bar..."

BetterSearch______firefox search extension

by 2 others
miniatures des liens renvoyés par les moteurs de recherche (Google, Yahoo!, MSN, A9,, AllTheWeb, et

December 2006


HuntAndGather opens tabs corresponding to the latest URLs stored on given the desired tag. In future releases, the option will be given to display a list of clickable links.

November 2006

Cooliris Previews (Extention IE/Firefox/Safari)__Preview search results___Download of the Day:

Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari only: Preview search results, embedded images, YouTube videos and more just by mousing over them with the Cooliris Previews 2.0 browser extension. Previously limited to Google, eBay, Craigslist and a few other sites

October 2006

Zotero: A seriously useful research |

by 1 other
you need Zotero, a Firefox extension that helps you manage research sources. With Zotero installed, Firefox is not confined to the Web, and you can use it as a standalone application for all sorts of online and offline research. Zotero requires Firefox ve

August 2006

Search Engine Ordering - SEO_extension firefox

SEO allows you to sort and delete search engines that are in the search bar.

May 2006

April 2006

Google Advanced Operations Toolbar :: Mozilla Addons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software

Google Advanced Operations Toolbar » Overview Google Advanced Operations Toolbar screenshot More Previews » Google Advanced Operations Toolbar 1.5.5, by tnreb, released on Apr 11, 2006 This toolbar provides a shortcut to some of Google's advanced search

March 2006

Sage: a feed reader for Firefox

by 20 others
Sage is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed reader extension for Mozilla Firefox. It's got a lot of what you need and not much of what you don't. screenshot Screenshots What does Sage do? * Reads RSS (2.0, 1.0, 0.9x) and Atom feeds * Newspaper feed rendering

RSS Reader, Sage et les marque-pages dynamiques_Geckozone - Navigateurs -

Comme son nom l’indique, le marque-page dynamique est d’abord un marque-page et est considéré comme tel. Il va donc falloir en passer par le Gestionnaire de marque-pages pour en créer un nouveau. Avant toute chose, repérez un flux de syndication q

RSS_ Geckozone - Syndication

Nos flux de syndication vous permettent de vous tenir au courant des derniers articles publiés sur Geckozone. Vous pouvez ainsi afficher leurs titres sous forme de liens sur votre site, ou les surveiller via l'agrégateur de votre choix, comme par exempl

RSS_Really Simple Syndication - Wikipédia

C'est un fichier XML dynamique dont votre lecteur RSS (ex: Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird ou encore Opera) affiche le contenu qui est mis à jour en permanence. Ce système est très utilisé pour diffuser les nouvelles des sites d'informati

February 2006

Who Is This Person? - Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:All Releases

Highlight any name and request matches in LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Technorati, Yahoo Person Search, Google News, TailRank and more. 'Who Is This Person' now supports all characters. It also works if highlighted name is in a frame or other child window.

January 2006

Gmail File Space____ extention firefox

by 20 others
utiliser votre espace Gmail (2Go) pour stocker vos fichiers. his extension allows you to use your Gmail Space (2 GB) for file storage. It acts as a remote machine. You can transfer files between your hard drive and gmail. This is similar to "Gmail Drive"

December 2005

November 2005 extend your firefox 581%

by 5 others
blog de SUR LEUR official Firefox extension

September 2005