public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags photo & user


PHOTO - Vote for the Readers' Choice winner of the 15th Annual Photo Contest | Smithsonian Photo Contest | Smithsonian

Finalists of the 15th Annual Photo Contest. FR: 'Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer les finalistes du 15ème concours photo annuel Cette année, nous avons reçu 48 000 soumissions de photographes dans 155 pays et territoires. De portraits dynamiques à des paysages à couper le souffle, ces 60 images se sont distinguées à nos éditeurs de photos comme le plus unique et mémorable. Le vote pour le gagnant du Readers 'Choice est maintenant ouvert! Revenez chaque jour pour voter pour votre finaliste préféré. Le vote est limité à un vote par utilisateur par jour et se terminera à 14 h, heure normale de l'Est, le 26 mars. Nous annoncerons le grand prix, le choix des lecteurs et les gagnants des catégories ainsi que le 16e concours annuel de photos 27 mars.'


LOG - IMAGE - Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing

Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online community provides friendly help, tutorials, and plugins.


FLICKR HACK - OLD DESIGN (update avr 2015) - FlickrHackr - elmofoto

Update: April 5, 2014 (added new and improved user agent string) 888 In the User Agent field, copy and paste the following exactly: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0) Opera 12.14 How to Suppress the March 2014 Flickr Photo Page Redesign in Chrome & Firefox Browsers to Make Text Readable Once Again


Flump ___Download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.___on AIR Bus Tour

flump is a simple application that allows your to download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.Application built for the Adobe on AIR Bus Tour.


by 8 others
flickr tags link to photos link to tags in a swirling dynamic graph of a conversation... what does your tag brain look like?

Geek to Live: Flickr Advanced User Guide - Lifehacker

by 6 others
I published an article here on Lifehacker called Tips for Flickr beginners, a quick rundown on how to get started on Flickr. One year later I'm still as big a Flickr fan and user as ever, so it's about time to point out some of the more advanced features

h4ppier photos - flickr photos set and TAG organiser with date filter

by 2 others
To use h4ppier photos, enter a date range and/or tag filter then click 'search all photos'. You can also click 'show photos not in sets' or 'show photos without tags' to see those pics - note: the 'not in sets' and 'without tags' buttons both ignore the t


Similr: Find your next favorite photo

by 1 other
Welcome to similr. Here are your favorite pictures. Choose one, and dumpr will look who else liked this photo and what other photo they liked. Your next favorite is just around the corner!

Flickr Contacts Organiser -____Flickr: GM Script: Tag your contacts - Flickr Hacks

wrote a new Greasemonkey script called Flickr Contacts Organiser. It lets you organise your flickr contacts by tagging them. You can actually tag any flickr user they dont need to be your contacts in order for you to tag them. I realise CK has already wri

FlickrNation_Unoficial Blog

by 2 others is the home for the FlickrNation podcast and news about Flickr -- almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. This is an unofficial site.


Flickr PM_Steeev's Flickr Projects

by 8 others
Flickr PM :links to a users Email, Favourites, and Profile Email List Checker: