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HACK - (Well documented) Top 10 Free Sites to Receive SMS Online Without Real Phone Number - dr.fone

by 1 other (via)
Tested with success for 2Factors : Imagine having to put your email addresses on websites every time you want to sign up for a service offered on the website or participate in a forum discussion. This has left a lot of people frustrated in accessing web services because not everyone is comfortable or wants to expose his or her email address to the public. Although in recent times, some websites now offer temporary disposable email addresses that can be generated automatically for use without hitches; these email addresses are vulnerable as there is less password protection feature to improve security. For this reason, the use of phone verification became an alternative to access some web services. The phone verification works in a way that a phone number is provided to a website to receive code generated randomly via SMS in which the code is put back on the website in order to ascertain that the user is no spam bot but real. In order to guide your privacy, you can receive sms online on your computer rather than using your real phone number. The following sites are the top 10 free sites where you can receive SMS online without your real phone number.

HACK - OTP (One Time Password) - Receive SMS Online

Found by: This website can be useful if you want to protect your privacy by keeping your real phone number to yourself. How To Use?: Here you will find some numbers, just use one with your online registrations, and the inbound messages will show up on this site within seconds. I use it for GitHub with success!

HACK - How To Bypass OTP (One Time Password) Verification On Any Website/App - Good explanations but sites provided not usable (TESTED) __ Viral Hax

Actually guys Bypass OTP Verification not possible. But you can bypass anyOTP verification without using your our mobile, so in this article we provide you a method for Bypass OTP Verification by using any other Fake mobile phone number. You will get a Fake mobile number to get OTP (One Time Password) code and enter it in website or any app: Here a list of some websites who provides you online free fake mobile phone numbers for verification OTP (One Time Password) for any country like (Usa, UK, Japan, etc..) and we are able to receive OTP (One Time Password) and also see any message on that number like email.


đź›  SOLUTION - Perte de mot de passe sous Windows 10

La solution m’a été soufflée par deux lecteurs de ce blog, Nicolas et MC ! Merci à eux. Et ça marche ! Démarrez votre système avec un Live CD. Je parlais plus haut de Fedora Live CD. Vous devez au préalable monter votre lecteur NTFS dans Other locations du gestionnaire de fichiers par un clic droit.__ Choisissez Mount. __ Monter le lecteur NTFS Windows sous un Live CD Linux __ Ouvrez l’application Terminal sous Fedora Live CD. __ Terminal dans Fedora Live CD __ Placez-vous dans le répertoire Windows/System32 de votre disque /dev/sda2. Vous devez alors écraser le fichier Utilman.exe par cmd.exe : __ cp -f cmd.exe Utilman.exe __ Redémarrez alors votre système. A partir de l’écran de connexion Windows, cliquez sur les options d’ergonomie (touche Windows+U) et tapez à partir de la ligne de commande : __ net user login_utilisateur nouveau_mot_de_passe __ connexion-windows-options-ergnomie-utilmanVous pouvez vous connecter avec votre nouveau mot de passe !


Enable Autocomplete & Remember Passwords for Yahoo et Delicious - Greasemonkey

Certain sites like, yahoo, etc. stop Firefox from storing and auto-completing the password even when you have turned auto-completion on. While this has some purpose for certain sensitive sites like banks, is there any reason why will forget passwords?! To make matters worse, in or yahoo you can only ask to be remembered for 2 weeks and not more than that! This script combats the problem for and yahoo logins, and enables Firefox to prompt you to remember login password for these sites. You can easily add other sites whose passwords are also not remembered, the script will work fine.


WirelessKeyView____Reveal Wi-Fi Network Passwords

lists them for you. When you've forgotten that Wi-Fi network key, run WirelessKeyView to see all the networks your Windows PC has ever connected to using its default Wireless Zero Configuration mechanism.

2005 »

by 2 others
Il n'y a rien de plus insupportable que ces sites qui réclament une inscription gratuite pour vous laisser accéder à leur contenu. BugMeNot vous fournira le login/pass qui va bien... Marche surtout avec les sites anglophones.Bypass compulsory web regis