public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags outil & web2.0

May 2007

Clevr________Créer facilement des photos panoramiques en ligne

by 7 others
créer on ne peut plus facilement des photos panoramiques … jusqu’aux 360 degrés. En collant tout simplement bout à bout les photos que vous aurez prises en tournant sur vous-même (ou à l’aide d’un pied pour appareil photo dans l’idéal)

Mosaic Generator avec Flickr

Rigolo, je me demandais il y a quelque temps comment créer ces mosaïques faites de tonnes de photos. Aujourd’hui il y a Image Mosaic Generator V2.0 … et ça va tout seul… Les images collectées pour créer votre mosaïque sont piochées chez Flic

April 2007

Google Tag Cloud Maker__Extension_permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags.

by 3 others
Permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags. Celui-ci présente les mots les plus fréquents dans les résultats de votre recherche. Un clic sur l'un deux l'envoie dans la barre de recherche, permettant a

Fotowoos__Web2.___Transformer des photos en 3D

by 3 others
Fotowoosh est une application (pour l'instant en phase Alpha) qui vous permet de transformer la vue 2D d'une photo en 3 dimension. A voir..

FlickrCash______Moteur de recherche pour Flickr

by 3 others, 1 comment
FlickrCash est un moteur de recherche spécifique à Flickr (célèbre application d'hébergement et de partage de photos). Il permet des recherches avec un mot clé, un nom d'utilisateur, un groupe et même la date de publication. Le résultat est prése

March 2007

FlashEarth : nouveaux layers_______RenaLId ::

Vous connaissez peut-être déjà Flash Earth, une application en Flash produit par Paul Neave proposant les tuiles de Google Maps et Microsoft Virtual Earth. Flash Earth offre désormais de nouveaux layers “satellites/aériens” en plus : - Yahoo Maps

Flashearth____________tout simplement une vision nouvelle de Google Maps et Msn Virtual Earth..

by 64 others
tout simplement une vision nouvelle de Google Maps et Msn Virtual Earth... Très pratique et facile d'utilisation !!

PowerSnap___Desktop Flickr app,

by 1 other
if you want a more-developed desktop Flickr app, check out PowerSnap (review). It is Flash-based, and its animation is not as smooth as Nostalgia's, but it handles Flickr's tags a bit more gracefully and works with photos on your hard drive as well.

Webware: Cool Web apps for everyone

by 2 others
Say No to boxed software! The future of applications is online delivery and access. Software is passé. Webware is the new way to get things done.

FolderShare ___Sychroniser ses fichiers entre plusieurs ordis___Lifehacker

File sharing solution FolderShare offers unlimited, free sharing of any file up to 2GB, allowing you to access and sync files over your very own private peer-to-peer network.

Picasa2flickr - Flickr Plugin Export for Picasa ( Updated for Picasa 3 Beta)

by 1 other
Based on the proof of concept provided by Tabblo and using the nice flickj api, picasa2flickr provides a kind of plugin to picasa that allows users to export their photos to flickr. The mechanism: 1. Using a custom "BlogThis" Button, picasa posts XML data

February 2007

h4ppier photos - flickr photos set and TAG organiser with date filter

by 2 others
To use h4ppier photos, enter a date range and/or tag filter then click 'search all photos'. You can also click 'show photos not in sets' or 'show photos without tags' to see those pics - note: the 'not in sets' and 'without tags' buttons both ignore the t

January 2007

Giant online image editors comparison chart

There are ten online image editors here, everything from Snipshot to LookWow; and over 25 features are meticulously charted (does it resize? will it remove red-eye?). Make sure you check the Features legend; it goes from "the feature is not available" to

Flickr AutoDownloadr

by 3 others
Flickr AutoDownloadr is a small, freeware Windows application . Using it, you can pick any photos from Flickr - yours, your friends', random strangers' - and create a slideshow from them, which displays in a fullscreen window# View pretty much any collect

November 2006

Scan and Fax Using your Cameraphone or Digital Camera, Free!

here’s a way to take pictures with your cameraphone (of documents and whiteboards) and have them turned into PDFs and emailed to you, or even faxed, straight from your phone. To top it off, the PDFs are even searchable! It gets better: soon you’ll be

October 2006

by 2 others
The community is awesome. Users like you have created a ton of interesting and useful services and tools that build on to add all kinds of features and options, and most of them are free (some are even open-source). We've made a li

September 2006

August 2006

Google Labs (-)

by 56 others, Google's technology playground. Google labs showcases a few of our favorite ideas that aren't quite ready for prime time. Your feedback can help us improve them. Please play with these prototypes and send your comments directly to the Goo – Explore your world through everyone's eyes ___Bookmarklet Flickr extention

by 1 other
A smart way to browse and locate Flickr images on large map of the world. Filter photos by selecting a specific tag or searching for your buddy's user name. All navigation is done without any page refresh. An app that may save your boring afternoons. pro

Performancing___blog editor that sits right within Firefox._extension

"Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right within Firefox. Just hit F8 or click the little pencil icon at the bottom right to bring up the blog editor and easily post to your Wordpress, MovableType or Blogger blogs."