public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags online & javascript


DEV - KEY - Javascript Char Codes (Key Codes) - Cambia Research

Javascript Char Codes (Key Codes) Interactive Demonstration and Lookup Table



PIN BUTTON : Bookmarklet Builder

by 8 others (via)
To compress your code into a single-line as is required by bookmarklets, you could use this tool:

CODE - ONLINE TOOL - Beautify, Unpack or DeobfuscateCode - RENDRE LISIBLE - Online JavaScript beautifier

by 7 others
Beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript and HTML, make JSON/JSONP readable, etc. All of the source code is completely free and open, available on the github under MIT licence, and we have a command-line version, python library and a node package as well.


data: URI Generator - Convert Online Tool for Icon, image to import it in greasemonkey Script -

data: URI Generator The data: URI scheme allows you to build URLs that embed small data objects. data: URIs are supported by most modern browsers except for Internet Explorer. The lack of IE support is holding back widespread adoption of data: URIs, but they are still very useful in a couple of specific areas such as embedding graphics and other data items in Greasemonkey scripts. You can read more about data: URIs and see some examples of their use, or use the generator below to create your own. data: URIs are defined in RFC 2397.

Beatbox ! - The man in blue

Vraiment impressionnant, The man in blue nous propose une véritable boite à rythmes en ligne conçue en javascript : - Un puissant editeur en ligne WYSIWYG - (InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor)

Pour faciliter l' intégration dans vos applications Web personnalisées ou de gestion de contenu web (prend en charge: ASP, PHP, ASP.NET). * Chargement rapide * Mode plein écran * Barre d'outils Entièrement configurable * Advanced table editing * Stylesheet-formatage * Facile de choisir entre deux formats / tous les éléments HTML * Features a new tabbed toolbar - familiar to Office 2007 users. - providing convenient access to your most-used tools. * It's easy to select any HTML elements (text, paragraphs, images, etc) with a built-in Tag Selector. * Fullscreen editing mode (doesn't open a new window). * Floating dialogs for special editing (changes can be seen immediately). * Realtime toolbar status. * Dropdowns with formatting preview. * View HTML source with code formatting & coloring. It is a cross-browser, requires only a few lines of code to include in your web page


L'éditeur JavaScript - AJAX

by 17 others
L'éditeur JavaScript édite ses scripts suivant les paramètres que vous lui donnez ! Simple et rapide !


Creating Applications with Mozilla

Guide pour créer des application avec Mozilla : très fournit