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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags navigation & howto

June 2008

WPF Flickr Viewer Using XLINQ[]___ demo application___will be explained one at a time

One contains all the images retrieved from the Flickr RSS feed, and the other Window shows a single image that the user clicked on, contains several controls that the user may use to alter the shown image.

April 2008

June 2007

Les services web ou l'espéranto numérique

Proposer à l'usager l'information dont il a besoin au bon moment, au sein d'une interface attractive, indépendamment des contraintes liées à l'hétérogénéité des sources de ces données.Le point sur les web services à destination de non spéciali

March 2007

Hack Google Maps URLs to zoom way in - Lifehacker

Google expert Philipp Lenssen details how to manipulate Google Maps URLs to zoom in close enough to see an individual camel in the middle of Africa. The technique doesn't work in all locations, but here's how to give it a try: 1. Select a location and swi

Easy Photo Post in Comment by mortimer : Flickr Hacks

This script will remember the 15 last photos [2] you have visited and display their thumbnail over every comment box on Flickr. You can select the size you want to post and then click on the thumbnail of the photo of interest to insert the obscure voOdOo

November 2006

Flickr “detail” sets | A Whole Lotta Nothing

See how much easier the detail view is? No more squinting at little thumbnails, you can instantly scan everything in a set without having to click on anything. Just add “/detail/” to your flickr set links when sharing a gallery. Your readers will than

August 2006

Group Page Enhancer on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

adds more information to your page. Currently, it will give you(see the notes on the photo): - the 8 last photos in the group - the date of your last post to the group (if the last post is in the last 24 hours, then, the date is written i