public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags lien & flickr

2009 short URL screenshot on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Simple Greasemonkey script to add a short URL link to the Additional Information section.


Flickr Quick Links –

The script adds customisable links to the top of every page on flickr next to the flickr logo. In order to add your own links, you need to edit the script, and edit the customhtml variable. you can put whatever html you want in that variable. and it will be displayed next to the Flickr Logo. I use it to put some shortcuts to various URLS that i access regularly.


Flickr: Flickr Enhancing Tools - Discussing Flickr Enhancing Tools in FlickrCentral

I’ve consolidated some of the best photo enhancing tools available on the net...yea for free!!! (Everyone loves this magic word)


secret links on flickr________netomer » Blog Archive »

secret links on flickr July 28th, 2006 well, they are not secret, but some are hard to find * hot tags and all time most popular tags * fun - Zeitgeist and a buddy thingy * mob - access flickr via your mobile * for smartypants *

Flickr: What is HDR - HDR

t stands for High Dynamic Range. It's a feature in Photoshop CS2 or Photomatix. It's basically a way to 'digitally develop' your photos using tonal information contained in multiple exposures of the same shot. Say you exposure bracket the same shot. You c

Flickr Photo Comment Tool

I love telling other people about the amazing photos I find on Flickr. It’s also great fun to use photos as Super Emoticons, like when I use RobynAnderson’s laughing cat photo, shown here to the left, to express laughter. However, it got real tiresome