public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags interface & reference


FIR - CSS - What is userChrome.css? What can it do?

userChrome.css is a style sheet with special importance to Firefox. The rules in userChrome.css are applied to the user interface, and can override nearly every built-in style rule. Unfortunately, you cannot use userChrome.css to change the functional operation of Firefox; that's what extensions are for. Creating a userChrome.css file and adding style rules allows you to make changes to fonts and colors, hide unnecessary items, adjust spacing, and make other changes to the appearance of Firefox. The following examples illustrate the wide range of effects you can create, either by creating your own style recipes, or building on the work of CSS wizards sharing their talents on the web.


jQuery - jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation Browser

by 2 others
This is a alternative interface to browse the Official jQuery Documentation that can be found on GitHub . The aim of this project is to get out of the way of your development work. Quickly switch to this docs and find what you are looking for.


User- Interface-fr - Microformats

Il y a eu récemment beaucoup de très bonnes idées d'interfaces-utilisateurs et des suggestions pour travailler sur les microformats. Cette page sert à rassembler et documenter de façon à ce que nous puissions être inspirés et informés sur les travaux des autres.


Les services web ou l'espéranto numérique

Proposer à l'usager l'information dont il a besoin au bon moment, au sein d'une interface attractive, indépendamment des contraintes liées à l'hétérogénéité des sources de ces données.Le point sur les web services à destination de non spéciali