public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags greasemonkey & user

July 2006

FlickrInspector_Flickr: Flickr addicts

what is flickrInspector flickrInspector is a non-commercial website, that displays publicly available data about single flickr users. flickr itself is probably the most amazing photo sharing site. this is by no means an official tool by the makers of flic

June 2006 Flickr Contacts _Flickr: GM script: (FF v1.5 + GM 0.6.4 + Flickr GAMMA) - Yuan.CC Flickr Tools

Dear all, Sorry for the long waiting. contacts is back. This script is not only GAMMA compatible, but more designed for GAMMA UI now. You can see a search box in People Search page. Besides, you can send your contacts to del.icio.u

Flickr: Style your contacts 0.5 > Greasemonkey [6V8 - Production of my Mind]

When you see comments in a group discussions or photos in its pool, it’s sometime interesting to see the one your contacts have posted.

Style your contacts_Flickr: Flickr Hacks

This Greasemonkey script adds styling to: 1- photos of your contacts/friends/family and your photos in group pool 2- comments from your contacts/friends/family, from you and from the photographer of the current photo. In this way, you can directly see wha

May 2006

Flickr Group Admin - Warn + Delete_Flickr: Flickr Hacks

Group Admin - Warn + Delete view profile steeev is a group administrator steeev Pro User [ INT ? ] says: i wrote a new GreaseMonkey script: Flickr Group Admin - Warn + Delete the ultimate aim of the script is, if a group admin sees an image thats not foll

Show all images in pool by user -Flickr: GM Script: Flickr Hacks

GM Script: Show all images in pool by user view profile steeev is a group administrator steeev Pro User [ INT ? ] says: GM Script: Show all images in pool by user This script lets you see all the images in a group pool by a specific user. To do this, firs

netomer » Blog Archive » flickr greasemonkey script - Scout Explore History Link

by 1 other
flickr greasemonkey script - Scout Explore History Link May 20th, 2006 Scout Explore History Link i wrote a little script to add a link to fd’s Scout Explore History from every photo page. if you are on a photo page go to the list at the bottom right an

Show NSID Greasemonkey Script

Show NSID Greasemonkey Script When you're building applications to talk to flickr , it's often handy to find out people's NSIDs whilst you are testing. Whilst this information is there to be found, it's something of a pain to dig it out. This Greasemonkey

November 2005

June 2005

Flickr PM_Steeev's Flickr Projects

by 8 others
Flickr PM :links to a users Email, Favourites, and Profile Email List Checker: