public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags greasemonkey & firefox

April 2009 - Auto-Highlight Bundled Tags for Greasemonkey

Automatically checks off "Highlight tags already in another bundle" anytime the bundle edit page is loaded. - Bundle Names on Hover for Greasemonkey

On the bundle edit pages, hover over a tag to show which bundles it belongs to. - Dim Saved Links for Greasemonkey

Dim out any links on Delicious that you've already saved in your own account.

Enable Autocomplete & Remember Passwords for Yahoo et Delicious - Greasemonkey

Certain sites like, yahoo, etc. stop Firefox from storing and auto-completing the password even when you have turned auto-completion on. While this has some purpose for certain sensitive sites like banks, is there any reason why will forget passwords?! To make matters worse, in or yahoo you can only ask to be remembered for 2 weeks and not more than that! This script combats the problem for and yahoo logins, and enables Firefox to prompt you to remember login password for these sites. You can easily add other sites whose passwords are also not remembered, the script will work fine. Bundle sorter for Greasemonkey

Changes the delicious tag bundle manager so unbundled tags are listed at the beginning. - Sort Visible Links for Greasemonkey

Sort all the links on the page by their title, URL or popularity. Updated on Feb 17, 2009 to fix its operation on full search results page - Tags on left, meta on right |

Move the tag chain to the left and left-align it, and move all the various things that end up in the "meta" div to the right. What the meta div holds depends on the page you're viewing. When viewing your own bookmarks, the meta div contains the group of action links (share/edit//delete). On the Network view and when browsing the site by tag, it holds the account name of the person who contributed the link. On the search results page and when browsing Popular bookmarks, it has the "First saved by" information.

Linkoder (QRCode) - Cool Greasemonkey Script adds Barcodes for each link on a web page

Linkoder (QRCode) - Cool Greasemonkey Script adds Barcodes for each link on a web page I just found a cool greasemonkey script on by a person called Vorn. The script is called Linkoder (QRCode) - it can basically add Barcodes for each link on any web page. Its really useful for mobile phone users, with barcode reader applications on their phones, such as the N95 which comes with a barcode reader app as standard, as it saves them typing in long URLs, instead they can just scan the barcode on their PC screen, and then browse directly to the link with their phones web browser. you can get the script here: Install script

March 2009

Bibliobsession 2.0 » Pourquoi ne pas proposer Firefox sur les postes publics des bibliothèques ?

sous le terme sécurisé, se cache en fait un certain nombre de limitations de l’usage, destiné à empêcher tout paramétrage du navigateur par les usagers Logique et nécessaire quand on connaît le nombre de personnes qui se connectent chaque jour. En revanche, on aborde jamais l’outil navigateur sous un autre angle : celui de la mise en valeur des services et des accès à la bibliothèque : une page web avec un ISBN, celui-ci est reconnu et un lien apparaît pour m’indiquer si le livre correspondant est disponible ou non dans la bibliothèque où je me trouve , documentaires que l’on propose DANS la bibliothèque Le problème, c’est que, bien sûr, ces navigateurs sécurisés fournis par les prestataires sont propriétaires et que leur paramétrage est le plus souvent très limité. Or les outils de de dissémination des accès sont en grande majorité développés sous Firefox…

Page Scroll __Marks Your Place on Lengthy Documents

Firefox with Greasemonkey: Page Scroll is an old-fashioned but practical user script that keeps your place when reading through long pages

January 2009

Tutorial : Greasemonkey Recipe Book for Greasemonkey

Example Greasemonkey script below. The only things that need to be changed are bolded italic. In short, the XPath that identifies the top-level DIV, the XPath that identifies the DIV containing the content you want to display, and a list of XPath's that you want to remove.

ThePirateBay Enhancer - UserScipts - Greasemonkey - 2008

Show torrent age, spelling suggestions, SEED to PEER ratio, and number of comments. Kill dead torrents as well!

Try This Search On - UserScripts - Greasemonkey

by 1 other
Provides useful links to search engines based on the page that you're viewing or the search that you're performing.

December 2008

Reformat Table script - Recherche Google

table tableau htlm formater personnaliser script css greasemonkey firefox reformater

October 2008

Mr Tech's Toolkit - Dynamic Apply Button |

Last updated Jun 23 2008 Only displays the "Apply" button when you make a change to Mr Tech's Toolkit (Formerly Mr. Tech's Local Install) Browser Versions: - Works on Firefox 3 - Works on Firefox 2

Instantly Locate Yourself on Google Maps

Instantly Locate Yourself on Google Maps Firefox with Greasemonkey (All platforms): The Google Maps & Geode Greasemonkey user script adds a small Current Position link next to the Google Maps search box that instantly locates you on a map using Firefox's new geolocation technology. To use this script right now, you'll need to install the previously mentioned Geode Firefox extension—but as soon as Greasemonkey supports Firefox 3.1, which itself supports geolocation natively, you won't need any extra extensions. Since so many Google Maps searches start at your current location, whether you're getting directions or looking for nearby businesses, this quick link cuts out the work of entering in your address each time. Handy!

Link highlighter script__Short tutorial to build a script

This short tutorial assumes that you have already downloaded and installed the Greasemonkey Firefox add-on. Below follows a very simple JavaScript program, which highlights links to your site, to get you started. I use this script a lot for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes to find my site on a result page in Google, or to find a link to my site, which according to the access_log of my web site should be there.

August 2008

Rapidshare Download Delay Bypass – (2008)

Rapidshare Download Delay Bypass Script for bypassing rapidshare countdown. Works with and without javascript. If you get Download-Ticket Not Ready, continue to "reload with POSTDATA" until you get a download dialog. v2.5 - Fixed auto-reload for "download ticket not ready" & removed extra characters in the inserted html. v2.4 - updated for Rapidshare site changes.

July 2008

YousableTubeFix –

Removes ads and unwanted sections (configurable), allows downloading and resizing videos, displays all comments on video page, expands the description, can prevent autoplay and autodownload, adds a HD (High Definition) select, etc...

Checklist de réinstallation complète de Mozilla Firefox___Gastero Prod - Nicolas Hoizey

Certaines de cet extensions ne sont malheureusement pas encore compatibles avec Firefox 3, mais ce dernier étant tellement plus performant et modeste en consommation mémoire que Firefox 2, je le privilégie tant que possible.

Flickr Tag Counts Version 0.1___Display photo counts alongside tags in photo pages in Flickr Hacks

gives you the number of photos assoicated with each tag in any photo page. I find it useful when exploring when exploring my contact's pages.

June 2008

JavaScript DOM__tableau interactif des fonctions disponibles

by 7 others
This API (Application Programming Interface) document has pages corresponding to the items in the navigation bar, described as follows.

jAutoPagerize – Userscripts.orgJ__just Another AutoPagerize (supports Firefox3, Safari3)

More hackable. I wrote AutoPagerize from scratch with some utility functions (like Mochikit Deferred, etc.) and tiny cross-browser supports. This script does NOT consider Firefox2, so may not be worked.

GoogleMonkeyR – Google - Multiple columns of results, Remove "Sponsored Links",

....Number results, Auto-load more results, Remove web search dialogues, Open external links in a new tab, self updating and all configurable from a simple user dialogue.