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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags google:maps & search


JEU - Geocaching> Premiers pas avec Geocaching

Geocaching est un jeu dans le monde de la clandestinité et de la recherche de trésor. Géocacheur vous pouvez placer un géocache dans le monde, préciser son emplacement en utilisant la technologie GPS et partager ensuite l'existence de la géocache et en ligne l'emplacement. N'importe qui avec un appareil GPS peut alors tenter de retrouver les geocache..... (Geocaching (pronounced geo-cashing) is a worldwide game of hiding and seeking treasure. A geocacher can place a geocache in the world, pinpoint its location using GPS technology and then share the geocache's existence and location online. Anyone with a GPS device can then try to locate the geocache.)


Google Fx v2.1.9 for Greasemonkey - firefox et opera

AutoPaging + Site ThumbShots + Google Suggest (multi-lang) + Easy Filters + Right Panel Feature + Images Redirect & Preview + Searchers + Static TopBar + NoAds + Nice Look&Feel + User's Settings + MultiLanguage & more... [Opera & Firefox] Version: 2.1.9

Advanced URL Builder : Personnaliser des recherches sur vos sites favoris des : Firefox Add-ons

Append selected text to the URL of your favourite site enabling you to submit a query to any website. For example - highlight a placename/postcode and open using Google maps... Much easier and quicker to use than adding search engines to the context search. Instructions: Highlight some text, right click and choose a URL that you have defined to open it with.


Find your cell phone with Google Maps' click-to-call

Next time you misplace your cell phone and don't have another phone on hand to call it with, do what reader Aaron does: take advantage of the new, free click-to call feature in Google Maps and let them call you.


worldinpictures.org____Flickr geotagging application

by 1 other
allows you to view photos taken at any worldwide location. When you enter a location above, this is converted into a latitude/longitude pair which is used to look up "geotagged" photos on the photo sharing site Flickr. If you want your own pictures to app


Google Earth Hacks - Lots of downloads, information and hacks for Google Earth.

by 25 others
Welcome to Google Earth Hacks! We offer lots of great information for you, as well as a growing collection of downloads to use with your copy of Google Earth.