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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags forum & firefox


FIR >57 - DEV - Firebug + FirePath alternative ? - Is there a CSS/XPATH checker, now that firefinder is gone? | Forum d’assistance Firefox | Assistance de Mozilla

The Developer Edition is the replacement for Firebug, I know you can right click and copy the css or xpath, but thats not what I am asking. I am asking about the functionality that was provided by firefinder add on. Does FF offer that somewhere now that firebug was removed and added to the developer version.


FIR 57> - CSP - ABOUT CONFIG - How to enable Firefox WebExtensions on Mozilla websites - Mozilla Firefox 57 - privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager - TRUE - - FORUM

How to enable Firefox WebExtensions on Mozilla websites (in - Load about:config in the Firefox web browser. - You can run a search for just to make sure it does not exist: privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager. It does not in the most recent Firefox Nightly builds at the time of writing. - Right-click in the part of the window that lists the preferences, and select New > Boolean from the context menu. - Name the new Boolean value: privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager. - Set its value to true.

FIR - Firefox Update 57 (2017) - OPINIONS - How to enable legacy extensions in Firefox 57 - gHacks Tech News

If you are using Firefox Nightly right now, you may have noticed that the latest update of the web browser disabled all legacy add-ons. Firefox Nightly is the first version of the Firefox web browser that hit version 57, the version of Firefox that drops support for so-called legacy add-ons in favor of WebExtensions.



Adblock Plus • View topic - The Impossible Ad (popup discussion)

he right way is to edit your hosts. 1: Go to your hosts located in C:WindowsSystem32driversetc. 2: Open notepad, drag and drop hosts to notepad. 3: Go to the end of the lines, and add this: 4: Save hosts, and close (Or close, and when asks to save, save it). The IP ( is Google IP. You can add any IP sites you want. No system restart needed. For me is working. I have added in this way all social sites, and others.


36 liens pour réparer et comprendre Firefox - NICOpenSource

Après plus de 7000 messages postés sur les forums d'entraide de Geckozone et concernant principalement le navigateur Mozilla Firefox, j'ai pu repérer divers problèmes plus ou moins récurrents, et je me suis constitué un dossier de marque-pages intitulé Aide Geckozone. Je vous propose 36 liens issus de ce dossier. Il y a des tutoriels concoctés par différents membres du forum, la solution à des problèmes plus ou moins fréquents, des articles (en particulier du portail Geckozone), etc.


Forum Deblocker - Greasemonkey

The "Forum Deblocker" userscript simulates the Googlebot so you may see the forum pages as google sees them


[centralisation] Firefox - Forum PC INpact

Ce topic a pour but de regrouper tous les avis, questions, problèmes, etc ... qui tournent autour du navigateur Mozilla Firefox