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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag forum


HACK - (Well documented) Top 10 Free Sites to Receive SMS Online Without Real Phone Number - dr.fone

by 1 other (via)
Tested with success for 2Factors : Imagine having to put your email addresses on websites every time you want to sign up for a service offered on the website or participate in a forum discussion. This has left a lot of people frustrated in accessing web services because not everyone is comfortable or wants to expose his or her email address to the public. Although in recent times, some websites now offer temporary disposable email addresses that can be generated automatically for use without hitches; these email addresses are vulnerable as there is less password protection feature to improve security. For this reason, the use of phone verification became an alternative to access some web services. The phone verification works in a way that a phone number is provided to a website to receive code generated randomly via SMS in which the code is put back on the website in order to ascertain that the user is no spam bot but real. In order to guide your privacy, you can receive sms online on your computer rather than using your real phone number. The following sites are the top 10 free sites where you can receive SMS online without your real phone number.

FIR >57 - DEV - Firebug + FirePath alternative ? - Is there a CSS/XPATH checker, now that firefinder is gone? | Forum d’assistance Firefox | Assistance de Mozilla

The Developer Edition is the replacement for Firebug, I know you can right click and copy the css or xpath, but thats not what I am asking. I am asking about the functionality that was provided by firefinder add on. Does FF offer that somewhere now that firebug was removed and added to the developer version.


FIR 57> - CSP - ABOUT CONFIG - How to enable Firefox WebExtensions on Mozilla websites - Mozilla Firefox 57 - privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager - TRUE - - FORUM

How to enable Firefox WebExtensions on Mozilla websites (in - Load about:config in the Firefox web browser. - You can run a search for just to make sure it does not exist: privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager. It does not in the most recent Firefox Nightly builds at the time of writing. - Right-click in the part of the window that lists the preferences, and select New > Boolean from the context menu. - Name the new Boolean value: privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager. - Set its value to true.

JAVASCRIPT - Infinite Scroll - 'infinite-scroll' Questions - Page 2 - Stack Overflow

Tagged Questions: Infinite Scrolling, also known as endless scrolling, is a technique that is widely used by websites and Web applications that host lots of content on a page where pagination would traditionally have been used. Infinite scrolling involves initially loading only one page of content. As the user ...

JAVASCRIPT - How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? - Stack Overflow

Is there something in JavaScript similar to @import in CSS that allows you to include a JavaScript file inside another JavaScript file?

USERSTYLES _ GitHub - Referencing a .css file in github repo as stylesheet in a .html file - Stack Overflow

First Visit RawGit as suggested earlier Next copy your file path from github into the RawGit box RawGit will automatically produce two refrences to your web page The Development and Production refrence refrence the development link in your webpage if you are still developing save/upload then reload your webpage if there was no change it means your browser has saved your former refrence clear your browser data then reload Hope that helps?

USERSTYLES - HACK - Load in Stylish button for my own site? - 2013 -

To save other people some grief, I want to note that the different hosts in extensions.stylish.install.allowedDomains are SPACE separated. I assumed comma and it really tripped me up. I apologize for resurrecting a few old threads, but I just happened on one after another trying to figure this out. I want to avoid anyone else getting stuck like this

USERSTYLES - Greasemonkey - Forum request 2006 - GreaseMonkey List - User scripts on

I'm the administrator of I want to start offering my styles to Greasemonkey (and similar) users. For applicable styles on, just plunk "/style.user.js" at the end of the URL. (For example, ). Not all styles on the site can be converted into user scripts. For example, those affecting chrome wouldn't work. Those styles will return a 404 if you try to open their styles. I'd like some feedback on the format I'm using. Is the code the best it can be, are there problems with meta-data, etc. Thanks.

USERSTYLES - DeviantArt Forum - 2014 - Installing UserStyles directly from dA – DeviantArt

Instead of having to get an account, it would be much easier to be able to install user styles directly from dA. The process for the upload could be similar to what we have with installable skins right now (based on .txt files with mandatory wrapping code). Imo it's also more logical if dA styles would stay on dA. No need to rely on outside sources. If implemented there needs to be an way to be able to update styles though, to work on bug fixes or do updates from time to time. Similar to the installable skins, you then would have an install button at the deviation page of those styles directly. This would be less scary for people who are warned that there are monsters outside dA and - which would be another big plus (i am totally not biased here lol) - it would make miscats to that gallery nearly impossible.

FIR - Firefox Update 57 (2017) - OPINIONS - How to enable legacy extensions in Firefox 57 - gHacks Tech News

If you are using Firefox Nightly right now, you may have noticed that the latest update of the web browser disabled all legacy add-ons. Firefox Nightly is the first version of the Firefox web browser that hit version 57, the version of Firefox that drops support for so-called legacy add-ons in favor of WebExtensions.

SEARCH - [Résolu] personnaliser un moteur de recherche comme yahoo - Espace Geckozone

Voici la démarche : Aller dans le dossier de Mozilla FirefoxSearchPlugins Copier le fichier "yahoo-france.xml" et le coller au même endroit. Choisir un nom différent. Ensuite ouvrez ce fichier avec un éditeur de texte

BABELIO - TRUCS et Astuces - Forums de passionnés de livres - Babelio

quelques "trucs et astuces", concernant l'utilisation du site et qui peuvent servir à tout un chacun. Ces trucs, explications, conseils, ont parfois été donnés ici ou là via MP ou sur le forum (suite à des questions souvent posées), l'idée est de les rassembler ici, afin de pouvoir retrouver facilement l'information, ou tout simplement d'en prendre connaissance.

DEV - FIREBUG vs. DEV TOOLS - Suggestions for Firebug gaps to be closed by the DevTools - Google Groupes

As Denis wrote: in you find a dependency list which collects all the gaps. Mouse over the numbers to get the headline. Vote for the bugs that annoy you most. And many things work already. Read the migration guide. :

CSS - TRICK - FLOAT - html - Div collapse after float css - Stack Overflow

Add any overflow value other than visible to your container: div#nav { overflow:auto; } Then add width to restore the width : div#nav { width: 100%; overflow:auto; }


LoockPiking - LISTE - Les Clefs passe-partout

Les Clés passe-partout: Les pass PTT et autres "clefs normales", Les passes partout géométriques, Le passe-partout universel, Guide du crochetage, Forum clefs et serrures.


Adblock Plus • View topic - The Impossible Ad (popup discussion)

he right way is to edit your hosts. 1: Go to your hosts located in C:WindowsSystem32driversetc. 2: Open notepad, drag and drop hosts to notepad. 3: Go to the end of the lines, and add this: 4: Save hosts, and close (Or close, and when asks to save, save it). The IP ( is Google IP. You can add any IP sites you want. No system restart needed. For me is working. I have added in this way all social sites, and others.


FLICKR - WEB Flickr API Forum

Discussion group and support for the Flickr API