public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags flickr & tag

August 2006

Utata Project Central : Here are all our tagging projects.

Here are all our tagging projects. The important thing about all projects is that you must have a member page (or have applied for one) to participate. This is our way of ensuring that only those photographs which belong in the projects are actually in th

Flickr: - All Our Flickr Photos on Google Maps! - GeoTagging Flickr (-) - All Our Flickr Photos on Google Maps! view profile aemkei Pro User [ FS FI INT ] says: After the great feedback on the Localize Bookmarklet I got the next secret something for you guys: A tool to browse the world of Flickr photos! Here you – Explore your world through everyone's eyes ___Bookmarklet Flickr extention

by 1 other
A smart way to browse and locate Flickr images on large map of the world. Filter photos by selecting a specific tag or searching for your buddy's user name. All navigation is done without any page refresh. An app that may save your boring afternoons. pro

Grabbr _____The task of uploading screenshots to Flickr.and yahoo

Grabbr Thursday, June 09, 2005 Screen ShotGrabbr is a small application to smooth the task of uploading screenshots to Flickr. It lives in the inconspicuously in the system tray until such time as you need it. At which point you hit CTRL+F12 and it spring

flickrSetCloud - view flickr sets as cloud

by 1 other
flickrSetCloud shows all sets of a flickr user as weighted cloud, the more photos, the bigger the title. all you need to do is to enter a flickr username. at the bottom you then find a link to this cloud, you then can copy to your flickr profile page or

Flickr TagLines

Flickr TagLines tagline.png tagline.png The people at Yahoo! Research have created a fun visual representation of Flickr's growth. It doesn't have a lot of practical value, but it's fun to watch. An algorithm chooses the eight most popular tags fo

Geotag your Flickr photos with the Localize bookmarklet

lickrStorm searches and collects Flickr images flickrstorm.png flickrstorm.png FlickrStorm is a third-party Flickr search tool that aims to give you new ways to search and collect photographs from Flickr. For example, searching for "coffee" will a

July 2006

Flyr Pool 0.3 - insert a google map_6V8 - Production of my Mind____Flickr

Here is a Greasemonkey script to insert a google map _ (generated by Flyr) directly on the Flickr pages with multiple photos that contains geotags.

flickrelatedtags_KOKOGIAK - Taking Advantage of Extensibility (my first Greasemonkey script)

by 1 other
aking Advantage of Extensibility (my first Greasemonkey script) Flickr: Love it, just starting to use it frequently. Firefox: Love it, just starting to use it frequently. Both Firefox and Flickr are extensible (via a web API and by extensions like Greasem

June 2006 Flickr Contacts _Flickr: GM script: (FF v1.5 + GM 0.6.4 + Flickr GAMMA) - Yuan.CC Flickr Tools

Dear all, Sorry for the long waiting. contacts is back. This script is not only GAMMA compatible, but more designed for GAMMA UI now. You can see a search box in People Search page. Besides, you can send your contacts to del.icio.u

Flickr Auto Tag_Flickr: - Flickr Hacks

I just finished a quick Greasemonkey script that gives you a select box to quickly access the tag combinations you often use. I use it to handily tag in the "Let's play tag game", putting tag1, etc... for example. But you can use it to quickly add a bunch

Flickr Auto Tag 0.1 > Greasemonkey [6V8 - Production of my Mind]

allows you to save combinations of tags and quickly reuse them.

May 2006

Flickr Snap > About [6V8 - Production of my Mind]

Here is a greasemonkey script that will add its thumbnail next to every links to a flickr photo or set.

Flickr photo thumbnails on - Lifehacker

Flickr photo thumbnails on READ MORE: Bookmarks, Digital photos, Flickr, Social Bookmarking, Top, deliciousflickr.jpg Social bookmarking service just rolled out a neat new feature integration with sister product Flickr:

April 2006

Image Annotation on the Semantic Web: Tools Overview

Image Annotation on the Semantic Web: Tools Overview Status: this is work in progress. It is performed in the context of the multimedia task force of the W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group. All information provided here serves pu

March 2006

SamuraiCode _____set de Tag

by 1 other
Multiple sets of tags, ___added the ability to have multiple sets of tags. You can still use the normal tag lists (ex. 'seattle,space needle'), but if you want to mix things up, you can have multiple

February 2006

January 2006

Geotagging Flickr photos with Google Earth

by 2 others
or those interested in geotagging via Google Earth I've writen a web app to do this.


by 6 others
FlickrTagFight - tool to fight flickr tags and compare the results.

December 2005 » Après FlickR : reconnaissance visages et Tag automatique...

Le succès de FlickR, le service de partage de photos en ligne, et de ses tags, qui permettent aux auteurs des images de leur associer des balises pour décrire ou expliquer leur contenu, n’est plus à démontrer. Pourtant, certains trouvent fastidieux

November 2005 Flickr

Some of us have so many contacts in flickr, say 50+, 100+, even 200+. However it is kinda hard to find our contacts efficiently. So I wrote a Greasemonkey user script to add tags at our flickr contacts to bookmarks system. The use of adding ta

October 2005