public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags firefox & outil

May 2006

April 2006

Tab Sidebar

by 5 others
Tab Sidebar Tab Sidebar screenshot The tab sidebar extension, if you haven't heard of it already, provides a sidebar in the browser that can act as a replacement to the main tab bar, with extras. The most obvious extra is that each tab includes a preview

Google Advanced Operations Toolbar :: Mozilla Addons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software

Google Advanced Operations Toolbar » Overview Google Advanced Operations Toolbar screenshot More Previews » Google Advanced Operations Toolbar 1.5.5, by tnreb, released on Apr 11, 2006 This toolbar provides a shortcut to some of Google's advanced search

March 2006

Sage: a feed reader for Firefox

by 20 others
Sage is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed reader extension for Mozilla Firefox. It's got a lot of what you need and not much of what you don't. screenshot Screenshots What does Sage do? * Reads RSS (2.0, 1.0, 0.9x) and Atom feeds * Newspaper feed rendering

RSS Reader, Sage et les marque-pages dynamiques_Geckozone - Navigateurs -

Comme son nom l’indique, le marque-page dynamique est d’abord un marque-page et est considéré comme tel. Il va donc falloir en passer par le Gestionnaire de marque-pages pour en créer un nouveau. Avant toute chose, repérez un flux de syndication q

RSS_ Geckozone - Syndication

Nos flux de syndication vous permettent de vous tenir au courant des derniers articles publiés sur Geckozone. Vous pouvez ainsi afficher leurs titres sous forme de liens sur votre site, ou les surveiller via l'agrégateur de votre choix, comme par exempl

RSS_Really Simple Syndication - Wikipédia

C'est un fichier XML dynamique dont votre lecteur RSS (ex: Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird ou encore Opera) affiche le contenu qui est mis à jour en permanence. Ce système est très utilisé pour diffuser les nouvelles des sites d'informati

LinkChecker - Firefox link validator extension for web developers

by 3 others
Un des meilleurs moyens de traquer les liens morts c'est d'utiliser l'extension Link Checker qui vérifie que les URL ne pointent pas vers des erreurs. En rouge ce sont les liens morts, en jaune les liens locaux ou avec autorisations et en vert les liens

January 2006

SpellBound -_Spellchecker for Firefox 1.5 and the Mozilla Suite

SpellBound is a port of the spellchecker code and user interface from the Mozilla Suite's Composer that enables spell checking in web forms such as html textarea / input elements (html input password elements are not checked by SpellBou

Gmail File Space____ extention firefox

by 20 others
utiliser votre espace Gmail (2Go) pour stocker vos fichiers. his extension allows you to use your Gmail Space (2 GB) for file storage. It acts as a remote machine. You can transfer files between your hard drive and gmail. This is similar to "Gmail Drive"

December 2005 Flickr Toys

by 71 others
d's Flickr Toys Helping you do fun things with your digital camera since 2005. ;-)

November 2005

Nightly Tester Tools

by 4 others
Ajouté l'extensions nightly tester tools et il ajoute, même au chargement d'une extension, une option "make compatible", qui fonctionne très bien, pas eu de problème avec

The HuntAndGather extension

by 1 other
provide for some nice functionality for a user of the social bookmarking service.

VeryDelicious _Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:- All Releases

VeryDelicious is a toolbar that allows the user to quickly add and find bookmarks. You must have an existing username and password. Please register at before installing this extension. Click on My bu

Lazy Sheep Bookmarklet

by 24 others
tagger des pages automatiquement avec lec tags des autres utilisateurs

Transient Savant » Greasemonkey Director

by 1 other
every time you visit your own page, the Director should auto-load.

October 2005

SessionSaver - The Extensions Mirror

SessionSaver restores your browser -exactly- as you left it, every startup, every time. Not even a crash will phase it. Windows, tabs, even things you were typing -- they're all saved. Use the menu to add + remove sessions; right, shift, or middle-clickin

September 2005

Identity Burro: GreaseMonkey extension for social sites._Paolo Massa Blog:

by 1 other
dentity Burro (or IdentityBurro), a GreaseMonkey extension that inserts, in the profile page of user xyz on flickr or or technorati, the link to the profile pages of user xyz on flickr and and technorati. Your social sites are now

Adds Auto-Complete capabilities to the posting page.

Scrumptious Peer Pressure »

by 8 others
crumptious is a Firefox extension for use with, a social bookmark manager. It makes it easy and convenient to add bookmarks with accurate metadata tags to from Firefox. After installation, you can open Scrumptious by choosing View

read_later_Otaku, Cedric's w eblog: Automatic filing with

by 6 others
Very often, I find an interesting article that I don't have the time to read just now and I want to make sure I won't forget to read it some time later. To achieve this, I have created a tag read_later in my bookmarks. Whenever I find such a