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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags firefox & blog


FIREFOX - ADDON - EXTENSION - TEST PILOT - Latest Firefox Test Pilot Experiments: Custom Color and Side View - The Mozilla Blog

Before we bring new features to Firefox, we give them a test run to make sure they’re right for our users. To help determine which features we add and how exactly they should work, we created the Test Pilot program.


CoLT Extension signifie "Copy Link Text" Extension…Cette extension est très pratique pour tous les blogger que nous sommes

En plus de la fonction classique de firefox qui permet de copier "l’adresse du lien" sur lequel vous avez fait votre click droit, CoLT rajoute 2 options vraiment pratiques: - Copier uniquement le texte du lien dans le presse papier - Copier le texte du lien + l’adresse du lien (copie la balise html) Ensuite, il n’y a plus qu’a coller le contenu du presse papier et hop, votre lien est automatique formé sur votre merveilleux blog !


Delicious Blog Rescue Tool___Post Specified delicious bookmarks in your blog

by 1 other
Once the settings are filled in, click Make Blog Post. The tool will fetch all your links for the specified date and post them to your blog, just like should have done.


Paragrasp is an absolute necessity for anyone who frequently reads blogs, articles, and news stories online. This Firefox extension adds a highlight to the paragraph you're reading, and with a single keystroke, moves to the next, automatically...


ClipMarks : Capturez et bookmarquez des morceaux de pages, des paragraphes, etc...

With Clipmarks, you can clip the best parts of web pages. Whether it's a paragraph, sentence, image or video, you can capture just the pieces you want without having to bookmark the entire page.

ScribeFire (Firefox)_Extension___Download of the Day:

Firefox only: ScribeFire, formerly Performancing for Firefox, lets you compose and publish blog posts directly from your browser. Like its predecessor, ScribeFire opens a split panel that provides a full of text-editing tools, complete with rich/source


Aardvark : a tool for web developers/designers providing the opportunity of viewing and editing styles (css) and content of the page elements .

by 34 others
The Aardvark Firefox extension is a tool for web developers/designers providing the opportunity of viewing and editing styles (css) and content of the page elements ... Things You Can Do With Aardvark : Clean up unwanted banners and surrounding "fluff," e

CSSViewer__extension Firefox

by 3 others
A beautifully simple CSS property viewer - hover over any element to see its properties

Performancing___blog editor that sits right within Firefox._extension

"Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right within Firefox. Just hit F8 or click the little pencil icon at the bottom right to bring up the blog editor and easily post to your Wordpress, MovableType or Blogger blogs."

Web Developer Extension

by 19 others
The Web Developer extension adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools. It is designed for Firefox, Flock, Mozilla and Seamonkey, and will run on any platform that these browsers support including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

extension Webdevelopper sur Firefox___résoudre les problèmes d'affichage en CSS - Blog Alsacréations : XHTML, CSS et Standards web

by 2 others
Méthodologie pour résoudre les problèmes d'affichage en CSS Suite au billet qui présentait un récapitulatif des moyens pour faire un site compatible sur tous les navigateurs actuels, voici à présent une petite méthodologie pour résoudre rapide

Performancing for Firefox | Performancing.com___Blog Editor extension The best !

by 23 others
The Performancing extension scored as the highest desktop blog editor on our poll. Performancing is a free Firefox extension which allows you to draft and publish posts. It has support for, Technorati, pingbacks/trackbacks and FTP. Performanci

coComment - Firefox Extension

by 1 other
tools » Firefox Extension Instead of clicking on the bookmarklet every time you comment somewhere, simply install this extension to your Firefox browser. Features » automatically enables coComment on supported blogs (bookmarklet no longer needed) » not

Blogger Web Comments for Firefox

by 4 others
Blogger Web Comments for Firefox is an extension that makes it easy to see what bloggers are saying about a page you're viewing in Firefox and even make your own blog post about it, all without leaving the page you're on. For more information, see

2005 extend your firefox 581%

by 5 others
blog de SUR LEUR official Firefox extension

Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et la technologie

Tristan Nitot sur les standards du Web, les navigateurs et la technologie_mai 2005 -

Identity Burro: GreaseMonkey extension for social sites._Paolo Massa Blog:

by 1 other
dentity Burro (or IdentityBurro), a GreaseMonkey extension that inserts, in the profile page of user xyz on flickr or or technorati, the link to the profile pages of user xyz on flickr and and technorati. Your social sites are now

Peer Pressure

by 3 others
blog sur et firefox et le net etc

Flickr GM : _1.5_Once More... » Post from June 2005

by 1 other
Belle collection de script pour Flickr... adds the number of comments and notes to each photo listed in any list of thumbnails on Flickr (i.e. group pools, photos from your contacts, favorites, etc.). - :Faire des scripts Greasemonkey

by 22 others, 1 comment
Le compagnon idéal de greaseMonkey. Permet de modifier une page et de sauvegardez les modifications sous la forme d'un script greaseMonkey. Le script est automatiquement appliqué lorsque vous revisitez la page.

web things/blog codestream »

Toutes les amélioration via API et autres plugins pour Firefox/Flickr etc...