public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags extension & greasemonkey

November 2005

Flickr Groups List

Adds functions for sorting the group list on the groups page into alphabetical or numerical order. Clicking twice reverses the order.

Downloads [Dive Into Greasemonkey]

by 2 others
divers script dont certains pour Rotten Flickr

Some of us have so many contacts in flickr, say 50+, 100+, even 200+. However it is kinda hard to find our contacts efficiently. So I wrote a Greasemonkey user script to add tags at our flickr contacts to bookmarks system. The use of adding ta

flickr-photo-page-enhancer_1.5_Once More... » Post from June 2005

I've updated the Flickr Photo Page Enhancer (see this post for more info) again. The previous version was a little hacky, in that it tried to extract a lot of information about a photo from the page you were on, and completely guessed at other information

Transient Savant » Greasemonkey Director

by 1 other
every time you visit your own page, the Director should auto-load.

October 2005

google_Random Thoughts_gallery d'images ds google

Super...Adds a large gallery made from the search result of all ten currently available searchresult pages. That's over 200 images

September 2005

Identity Burro: GreaseMonkey extension for social sites._Paolo Massa Blog:

by 1 other
dentity Burro (or IdentityBurro), a GreaseMonkey extension that inserts, in the profile page of user xyz on flickr or or technorati, the link to the profile pages of user xyz on flickr and and technorati. Your social sites are now

Move and Size

agrandir zone texte ; Places small graphical overlays on text areas, use the mouse to move, resize, or toggle between maximized/reset. Mouse over the dots for tooltips.

Adds Auto-Complete capabilities to the posting page.

Trope_Smelly Knowledge ‽

Trop is a collection of Greasemonkey scripts. Trope scripts are active on sites utilizing user-generated tags to organize content and information into a folksonomy such as Flickr,, CiteULike, and Technorati. Trope places small links next to ta

Flickr Photo Page

by 1 other
Firefox 1.5_Adds links to different sizes directly to a Flickr photo page, generates html code to easily copy'n paste thumbnail & description, and automatically loads your 20 most used tags when you click "Add Tag."

Flickr Mockup_Flickr:

groupe sur les ameliorations d'interface de Flickr

Wikiproxy Greasemonkey script seulement version anglaise pour l'instant

by 3 others
The script parses any web page you're looking at for likely 'Proper Noun Phrases' - these are then passed to a PHP script that returns those matches that actually exist as titles in the English Wikipedia, so that they can be turned intohyperlinks.

Flickr stream browser greasemonkey _Udi’s Spot » Archive » Improving the Flickr experience

by 2 others
After installing my script, clicking on the thumbnail image does as is expected and goes to the larger version of that image. But, clicking on the “< prev ” or “next >” text underneath “scrolls” into the stream and just shows you the next thum

Flickr GM : _1.5_Once More... » Post from June 2005

by 1 other
Belle collection de script pour Flickr... adds the number of comments and notes to each photo listed in any list of thumbnails on Flickr (i.e. group pools, photos from your contacts, favorites, etc.). Google Maps in Flickr

There's an easy way to see your geotagged photos on Gmap without leaving flickr. Just install the greasemonkey script to your firefox and see your photos shown on map right away. There will be a button added at the right-most of button bar if the photo is

GMiF - (Google Maps in Flickr) Flickr Contacts_+_LfVr -(a Lightweight flickr )ViewerYuan.CC Web Experiments

by 7 others
There's an easy way to see your geotagged photos on Gmap without leaving flickr. Just install the greasemonkey script to your firefox and see your photos shown on map right away. There will be a button added at the right-most of button bar if the photo is